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Re: Good Movies

Posted: December 17th, 2019, 12:22 am
by Facko
Bloodnofski ftw!

Re: Good Movies

Posted: December 19th, 2019, 3:08 am
by Calvin
Facko wrote: December 16th, 2019, 11:36 pm If we can both read/watch the same thing and have completely different interpretations of it then he did his job well.
not really, it's not really open to interpretation... it's like you cant look at lord of the flies and say that's about.. i dunno, coming of age, or romance?
it's about something very specific, and so is watchmen.
Facko wrote: December 16th, 2019, 11:36 pm Just like how some people got an anti-feminist vibe from game of thrones (really) I think you're reading too far between the lines.
wut? ? ?
game of thrones went full feminist for the last 3 seasons, which is why it blew everyone's minds when she flips and kills everyone, cos she wasn't written as a human character for the last 3 seasons. the destination was set by Martin, the point being to show how a savior is only human, and how power corrupts. her being a woman was nothing to do with anything really. but it was because of the last few seasons.

who was in charge of the iron throne - cerei
who was in charge of the iron islands - yara
who was in charge of winterfel - sansa
who was in charge of dawn - the sand snakes
who was in charge of high garden - lady olena
who was in charge of the dragons - daneris
who was the strongest knight - biranne of tarth
who was in charge of stannis - the red lady

now lets look at the men:
robert - dead
ned - dead
rob - dead
theon - gimped
stannis - dead
oberon - dead
jamie - gimped
bran - crippled
little finger - dead
ramsey - dead
etc etc

where do you get this idea that it was anti-feminist???
Facko wrote: December 16th, 2019, 11:36 pm Let the show unfold and you'll see everyone is kind of an asshole and a fuck up and not a "mary sue." Including the show's main (Angela) and Dr. Manhattan. Their feelings for each other led to nearly world ending events. The only real problem I had with it was that it needed more looking glass (wade was awesome).
yeah i dont wanna hear stories about "everyone being a fuck up" i wanna hear stories about the people that do well. what this basically is, is fan-fiction. these people that like it, they are fuck ups. what they want to believe, is that everyone is, just like them.
it's post modernism. "everything i think and believe is equal to what you think and believe because everything is opinion, and my mixed up point of view is just as valid as your mixed up point of view, because all points of view are mixed up." that's post modernism. it's bullshit for idiots to feel better about being idiots.

this is why we have the progressive movement that is actually completely regressive, because they dont understand complexity, nuance, or balance.
Facko wrote: December 16th, 2019, 11:36 pm Edit: the theme is change and the clashing of different generations of people and was perfect for the watchmen universe.
yeah, but no. that is the theme they are trying to push, again, because post modernism. they wanna believe that we are enlightened now, that we know the better way, and we can change things to be like that. what they fail to realize, is that is the ENTIRE of human history, that we ALWAYS *think* we are now enlightened, that we know so much better, and we now have the right way to do it. that is where radical change comes from, where it has always come from, and it almost always ends up with chaos and a lot of people dying.

REAL change, REAL progress, is slow. it might not even get here in the impatient kids lifetimes, but tough shit, that's how it works, and is the only way it works.
Facko wrote: December 16th, 2019, 11:36 pm Edit 2: Alita was awful imo... Christoph waltz was wasted in that movie... even his part in the green hornet was better... can't comment on captain marvel, fell asleep three times trying to watch that movie. Boring asf.
im guessing you weren't a fan of the manga then? yeah that guy wasn't ideal, but he did an alright job. lemme guess, he has legendary status for you now, cos he was in django unchained playing out an SJW allie's dream.

Re: Good Movies

Posted: December 19th, 2019, 3:15 am
by Calvin
this is the thing to me right, you talk about fan service.. what you mean is continuity.

i've been thinking about this lately with the new star wars coming out, and you have accidentally stumbled onto a very good point.

fan service in this context would be like, imperial destroyer comes to blow up luke; luke pulls it down from orbit with the force, and like smashes it into the ocean or something. that's fan service.

but instead what we have is luke on hermit island, drinking green alien milk, and sulking.
so if that's not fan service, what is that? who is that 'servicing?'

well here's an answer using the movie Frozen. as someone who does not like Frozen, i would love to see princess whatever her name is, get thrown into a dungeon and left to rot for 50 years, then come out as a crazy old lady that paints pictures with her poop.

if they made that movie, would that be fan service?

no, it would in fact be fantasy sadism, for people that hate the franchise; and there you have the reason that fans hate these new shows. because. that. is. what. they. are.

Re: Good Movies

Posted: December 19th, 2019, 3:44 am
by Facko
On game of thrones... I don't have the idea that it was anti-feminist. There are people that see it that way tho. Just like some people took Ferris Bueller to be the bad guy in Ferris Bueller's day off.

Gunm... it was one of the few manga that made its way to shops down here when I was young. That and the OVA tape. That being said I'm too old to remember the story clearly. I can't say anything to defend or criticize... just so boring. James Cameron should have passed the story to a writer that can do better than utilitarian dialogue. I just hope cyberpunk 2077 looks that cool. :D

I can't argue the points you contradict yourself on. :P

Re: Good Movies

Posted: December 19th, 2019, 3:47 am
by Calvin
lemme tell you the big picture so you see where im coming from.

it's all about undermining things like authority and leadership.

in real life terms imagine your doctor tells you something, but you have read stuff on google that contradicts him. who do you believe? this is the post-expert era in which we live.

part of this is also politics. previously we believed in exceptional people. people that were smarter or more capable, who we would look up to and learn from. the social trend of the leftists these days is to drag everyone down to their level; because then they can compete.

some stories are about super-people doing extraordinary things. other stories are about joe bloggs and how he lost his wallet one day. i think there is room for both. but the current trend (or at least trend for the last 10 years) has been to normalize the exceptional; to make the former into the later, and in so doing make everyone feel special.

Re: Good Movies

Posted: December 19th, 2019, 3:51 am
by Calvin
Facko wrote: December 19th, 2019, 3:44 am On game of thrones... I don't have the idea that it was anti-feminist. There are people that see it that way tho. Just like some people took Ferris Bueller to be the bad guy in Ferris Bueller's day off.

Gunm... it was one of the few manga that made its way to shops down here when I was young. That and the OVA tape. That being said I'm too old to remember the story clearly. I can't say anything to defend or criticize... just so boring. James Cameron should have passed the story to a writer that can do better than utilitarian dialogue. I just hope cyberpunk 2077 looks that cool. :D

I can't argue the points you contradict yourself on. :P
it's cos danaris went crazy, and they wanna make out that "you cant have a female with power that's not a bitch". when the whole point of game of thrones, is you dont get the throne unless you're a bastard.

ironic i know.

Alita's very nicely made, it's one of the only adaptations from an anime that didn't disappoint. i was genuinely surprised they got such big names for it, but at the same time it is kinda right. she's a very good opportunity to show femininity and strength. hollywood tends to believe the 2 things to be mutually exclusive, and trades one for the other.

Re: Good Movies

Posted: December 19th, 2019, 4:01 am
by Calvin

power resides where people believe it resides.

all of this shit, all of it, is to get you to give power to people that are incompetent, under the belief that everyone is. so just pick who you like.

Re: Good Movies

Posted: December 19th, 2019, 4:09 am
by Calvin
i wonder if they'll ever go for 'humanizing' characters like Jesus and Mohammed.

see this is the irony again. i believe these people to be human, but exceptional. the alternative is that humans are all scum, and they were gods.

again, which do you prefer?

and again, we have the irony. in that the right is actually humanist. while the left has become puritanical in it's separation of humanity and the divine. im one of these 'god is within us all' kinda people.

the issue is that you have to accept some people are better than other people; more capable. leftists would look at this as me putting people down. but what i'm actually doing is raising some people up.

up beyond the realm of animals, to that of rational thinking humans. to the other side, we're all just animals with some kinda moral god presiding over everything. perhaps which we prefer has something to do with which would be beneficial for our own self image.
or/ there is no moral authority, in which case it's just hedonism and anarchy. which is again, the last 10 years.

either way, you are going back on enlightenment principles in a VERY regressive way. my point of view is from that zero point, we built our own morality and ethics, we created god, and we became it. to be human, is to be divine. there is no inconsistency with this philosophy.

i guess people will figure it out eventually...

but the point is basically these series are nihilistic about humanity, laying it low. because lizards can rule a swamp.
where they should be glorifying humanity and giving us all something to aim for, with role models and heroes.

the mistake is in forgetting stories are glorification and embellishment. instead treating them like an unattainable standard. people also just need to accept that maybe they wont be the best, and that's fine.

the trick is not to give every kid a trophy, but to point out that trophies are not that important. you dont have to be the best.

i suppose then you wont get the film made about you though. maybe it really is just all about fame, and recognition. :roll:
it's kinda poetically just that the people that get fame are not the ones that seek it for it's own sake, and that you will never get it if you do.

these series are hollow. they have all the trappings of greatness, but no actual substance to their story/character. there is no reason, or justification. they are simply people like everyone else, famous through happenstance. it's just a reassuring narrative for weak people. 'it could be you! because it could be anyone!'
well no, it cant be you, because that person is exceptional, that's why we wrote a story about them. that doesn't mean you shouldn't appreciate them. you shouldn't only appreciate... you. narcissistic generation...

i can admire Alita without needing to see myself in her.

Re: Good Movies

Posted: December 19th, 2019, 5:47 am
by Calvin
honestly the whole identity politics thing just disgusts me.

so many people thought black panther was the first black super hero; and in a way he was.
in the way that blade wasn't a "black super hero". he was just a super hero that happened to be black.

if they made Blade now, they'd have him bust out a rap or something to make a point of it. it's so fucking... racist!

yet to them, him not busting out a rap is racist. it's so fucked up. but those are the people that are writing these woke shows. they think putting racial stereotypes into shows, is representation. that that's the culture of 'black people'. how am i the racist for thinking that is racist?
for wanting my characters to be independently thinking humans, and not just extensions of racial politics?

the whole enlightenment principle is based on individuality, and these people are just burning that down; all you'll have left is racial division and tribal mentalities. which is EXACTLY where we are right now.


im not worried though, because believe it or not, i have faith in humanity; and these things will change. slowly.

Re: Good Movies

Posted: December 19th, 2019, 10:06 am
by Calvin
in ref to fan service:

how random...

Re: Good Movies

Posted: December 19th, 2019, 10:44 am
by Facko
Calvin wrote: December 19th, 2019, 4:09 ami can admire Alita without needing to see myself in her.
Doesn't make the movie any less dull. :)

Re: Good Movies

Posted: December 19th, 2019, 12:02 pm
by Calvin
you're not a sci-fi person are you? :P

sci-fi is never dull, because the whole point of it is to treat the fantastic as the mundane.

no-one in star trek is like OMG WTF REPLICATOR MAKES STUFF?!

no, it's like a tap/forcet, or an electric tin opener. they are kinda simultaneously dull, and a buffet of wonder. that's sci-fi.
someone making their breakfast in a sci-fi, should be fascinating.

i can kinda see your point tho, if you dont find the aesthetic or setting interesting, and you're just watching it for the storyline, then yeah, i suppose not a lot happens and it's kinda predictable.

but like... avatar was just pocahontas... those films are mostly about the style

but this is the thing, the SJW critic types dont care for the story, or the style. all they care about is the politics. that's why we end up with crap predictable stories, and bland worlds.

but some-how they get rave reviews, because it has a black woman beating up a white man. or a gay person.. i dunno.. beating up a lot of people i guess. they seem to just be angry and want to see minorities attacking people (even though women are not a minority).

it's not all bad, there are some visually stunning films that have come out lately, like bladerunner. there's also some really good character driven ones like joker. there's story driven ones like westworld.

but they take something like watchmen, which has excellent style, great story, and interesting characters. then they just make it about the politics. there's no story, the characters are all just 2D extensions of identity politics, and the style is.... fake. it's all flash and no substance, like the new star trek.

like watchmen and the panda mask guy. why? just why? answer that question and you'll get why wokemen is shit.

reminds me of cucked tom with explosions (mad max 4). i cant believe people were sold on that just cos it has fire and some spiky leather. what is wrong with people...

i swear they write these films backwards, instead of writing the world, story, and characters. then seeing what style that produces, they have the style they want in mind, and they bend the story, world, and characters to fit it. which is why we now have thrusters in star trek when the whole canon is based on impulse engines. it's why we have ships firing at each other in warp, and spok having some inter-species-racial passionate relationship. they just dont care. to them it's crap, it's not shawshank redemption, it's just shlock. which is why these people should not be writing these IPs

did you not like the bit where he sends the doctor up? :lol:
pretty sick.

Re: Good Movies

Posted: December 19th, 2019, 12:28 pm
by Calvin
this is a good one:

Re: Good Movies

Posted: December 19th, 2019, 8:20 pm
by Calvin
good christmas film :)

Re: Good Movies

Posted: December 19th, 2019, 10:45 pm
by Calvin