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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 19th, 2021, 11:29 pm
by Facko
Neo-libs are neo-racist :lol:
Calvin wrote: May 18th, 2021, 8:41 am deeply. racist. people.
Crowder did some stuff like this in Georgia. Even the homeless black lady who lived under a bridge had a valid ID. Hustle man ftw! Yes, that was his legal name lol. Can't find the video tho. This other clip is informative tho.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 19th, 2021, 11:43 pm
by Facko
Calvin wrote: May 18th, 2021, 5:36 pm
i mean you can call that process right there my "mental immune system" if you want, but it doesn't actually translate to anything physical.. or useful. it's just a way of explaining how skeptical people interrogate new information, and indoctrinated people refuse to take on contrary information. that's nothing new.
This is being made worse by "fact-checkers" who exist wholly to distort the truth to fit a narrative.

Well fuck... I know you don't like crowder but his video on media matters is missing from YouTube. Same with the Georgia video.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 20th, 2021, 5:20 pm
by Calvin
big tech man.. it's proper big brother, the scariest part is the next generation will not even know any different

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 21st, 2021, 3:07 am
by Facko
We keep getting further into bizzaro world shit everyday. I just wish everyone else had an opinion on any of this and wasn't afraid to say it. 😕

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 21st, 2021, 3:20 am
by Calvin
they are just too busy :/

then they want someone to blame..

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 21st, 2021, 3:28 am
by Calvin

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 23rd, 2021, 7:46 am
by Calvin
Calvin wrote: May 15th, 2021, 7:47 am
the abrahamic religions are all the same really - judaism, christianity, islam. but it's like a left <-> right sway betweem the carrot and stick (as to how you get obedience). left right is maybe wrong, liberal - authoritarian is more accurate. but i dont really like the authoritarian god thing.
judaism and islam are very similar, the only difference really (well not only, but the main difference), is that judaism is ethnocentric - chosen people vs mass recruitment. they are both against christianity tho rly.

the main reason people have historically dis-liked them, is because they dont like us...
i still just think good people will be good regardless where you raise them, bad people will be bad regardless, but it's the people in the middle that are up for grabs, and that's where the religion comes in
but the whole Isreal - Palastine thing is basically just a family affair between the two authoritarian incarnations of the abramhamic faiths (monotheism - 1 god)

personally i prefer ones like the Gaia theory, tho they always use it for environmental stuff

you wouldn't think this is the same basis as the new godzilla series would you? :lol:
godzilla is basically captain planet :D

lmao, who knew Gaia was Whoopis Goldberg!

it's not really that different i suppose, it's a monotheistic naturalism. the native americans and the old pagans would be a naturalistic pantheon - so like spirit of the river, spirit of the sun, etc. tho it's a bit mono when you get to sun gods..


bhuddism and hinduism are more the mystic ones where it's all a bit ineffable.

praise the sun ;)

Babylon 5 bro ;P


tbh i feel kinda sorry for people stuck in the monotheism thing, thinking there's only 3 religions, arguing over what daddy-boss-god wants.
honestly tho i am glad i was born into christianity, it's a nice one, especially protestantism, because it has some knowledge of divinity, but ultimately it is a deeply humanist religion.

... in fact... arguably... thinking about it now.. it is possibly *the* humanist religion.... hmm.
gonna leave it there cos that's an interesting thought.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 23rd, 2021, 9:11 am
by Calvin
good stuff

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 24th, 2021, 1:49 am
by Facko

I rarely make it thru a whole video of his but this one's ok. But it's just common sense.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 24th, 2021, 2:01 am
by Facko
Calvin wrote: May 23rd, 2021, 9:11 am good stuff

There's a fine line between religion and politics. It's just about knowing when to get zealous or not. Wish I had the answer, but it feels like it's time to stop just letting people leave me alone and stick up for what little I have.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 27th, 2021, 3:14 pm
by Calvin
Facko wrote: May 24th, 2021, 1:49 am

I rarely make it thru a whole video of his but this one's ok. But it's just common sense.
he really does draw things out, but tbh Jeremy is a good channel, not for the political stuff, but cos it's also a good source of entertainment news :)

like just looking at his channel on youtube:

Seth Rogan - Hollywood and Comedy

Remake of powerpuff girls, ties in with Primal interestingly (creater is the samurai jack/powerpuff girls guy/girl?), also interesting for like pop entertainment news.

Ubisoft - so games industry related

Marvel (by extention disney), also politics

Blizzard - politics and games

Tiktok stuff, also covid stuff and politics

See it's not that he gives you an exceptionally good take on anything, it's just nice to get some entertainment news, and he's a lot more chilled than the serious doom and gloom political channels.. his videos have a more relaxed tone i guess.

he's more just like a bloke you could hang out with lol, the others would be way too intense.

he's like walter off big lebowski :lol:

the others are more like mr.beal from Network

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 28th, 2021, 10:15 am
by Calvin
i dont know much about the quote, or who said it, etc; but the whole "art immitates life, life immitates art" thing, seems kinda relevent.

all i have to say about that is: modern art.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 28th, 2021, 1:59 pm
by Calvin
just watching that sidney lass talking about gender stuff; it's exactly the same thing as race btw.

they dont seem to realize what they are doing is endorsing the stereotype of toxic masculinity, and men being inherantly violent etc, then when they see a man that defies this stereotype, they go "you're not a man! you're a woman!".

literally all they need to do is broaden their definition of "man" or "woman" to include less traditional people.

but instead we have to invent all this insane shit, so in some backwards convoluted way, they're not bigots. how about no, just call them bigots and keep the last 8000 or so years.

i honestly cannot believe the amount of shit all this has caused... where are the people that are supposed to go "nah stop being silly", and not let it get to a professional level.. seriously if anything, all of this speaks to a much larger problem, of the institutions being corrupted and every position of power being filled by someone that isn't fit to do the job.

hm. when/why did we lower the bar?

tell ya what, it's absolutally insane to think of the massive castle of bullshit they have built on top of that fundamental mistake.

books.. movies.. entire lives... pfft. on utter futility. weird thing humanity.

*wanders off to brood in his massive UO castle of bullshit*
what? at least i know mine is frivolous :lol:

for serious tho, i swear to god, these are just bigotted/digital people, that understand the world in terms of stereotypes and an infinite regress of catagorization. it's self defeating because the catagories will eventually break down to the individual anyway.
we need to stop wasting all this time accomodating them, cos it is doing real damage to things.
we need to stop letting the insanity of a few high fuctioning psycopaths define reality for the masses.

honestly it's like you have a choice between 2 pathologies - on the one hand you have a mountain of text, on critical race theory, gender theory, womens studies, etc, etc, etc. on the other you just have one sentence saying "dont be a bigot."

easy choice to me.

honestly the only real question, is are half the population literally just incapable of understanding the world in any other way.

maybe it's an autism thing... honestly i dont know what autism is exactly, i just use it as a synonym for "doesn't think normally" or "brain is wired a bit strangely". but i suppose then it begs the question of what is normal, us or them? maybe we're the weird ones :P
honestly i think we've always just had both.. we've just never drawn battle lines around it before..

it's like "who let the dogs out?" but, "who educated the idiots?" :lol:
ffs someone tell em god said so.

omg this tune :lol:

maybe starting to see where it came from :lol:

probably related to education as a sales product...

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 28th, 2021, 4:56 pm
by Facko
It's just them setting us against each other. This insanity happened because we've been trying to legislate morality on an individual level instead of just dealing with people who cross the line in a criminal way. Like we used to.

Why their setting us against each other is what you need to focus on.

Spoiler: its $$$

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 29th, 2021, 9:48 am
by Calvin
the left is a non-secular religion :|

(secular = separation between church and state)
(like sadam and them sucked balls, but at least they were secular - the religion didn't rule the country, that's why america funded the religious extremists, to oust the secular people)
(that's what happaned in syria as well, except asad just fkin killed em all, guess he didn't like what happened to gaddafi and sadam.. but it was so weird to me, to see the news against ISIS in iraq, but at the same time supporting them in syria... i was like these people on their mobile phones saying they need american help cos they're being bombed, are literally ISIS.)

(i feel really sorry for gaddafi tbh... Libya was like a proper developed country, with the oil money being used for the population.. like every citizen got a free house, medical care, education, etc. but he wanted to unite africa and make a new currency backed by gold again, then only trade oil in that currency - which would break the dollar being the standard, so he had to go.. dollar has only been standard since WW2, when the nazis were taking all the gold in europe, so they shipped it all over to canada/america to safeguard it. after which america did loads of like future trading with it and stuff.. so now those rooms are basically empty really, no gold in them, just an IOU note.)

(but hilary clinton with the whole "we came, we saw, he died! rofl!" is so harsh and flippent if you dont buy the media's "he's a monster!" thing. im kinda sick of them painting targets on people. they think they're so innocent, they're pretty much the Goebbels propaganda arm of the party.)
(like you'd never get these brutal smack downs if they didn't legitimize it first)