Financial Crisis. What will you do when it comes?

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Known Aim
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Financial Crisis. What will you do when it comes?

Post by Known Aim »

Hi guys!
Didn't find similar topics so decided to create this one :)
The crisis is coming inexorably and I wonder what you will do when it is finally here.
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Re: Financial Crisis. What will you do when it comes?

Post by Woodnote »

Hello Known Aim!
I think that investing can in a way help to soften the consequences of this crisis bt the question is what to invest in :) everything is so unstable.
On the other hand I believe that it is significant to reduce expenditures and optimize the business if you run one. Have you ever heard of omni channel strategy? Here is an article about it
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Re: Financial Crisis. What will you do when it comes?

Post by Calvin »

thing about a financial crash, or a recession, is everything is devalued... which really sux if you own stuff... but if you dont, and you are looking to acquire stuff for cheap, it is actually a good time to buy.

a lot of companies go bust in a recession, but what people forget, is that they dont evaporate into the air - the companies that dont go bust buy them and their assets cheap.
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Re: Financial Crisis. What will you do when it comes?

Post by tears82 »

buy shares...
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Re: Financial Crisis. What will you do when it comes?

Post by Facko »

ultio mea est
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