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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 17th, 2021, 4:04 am
by Calvin
it's fairness. everyone needs to feel it's fair. which is empathy.

it's ironic because i suppose they are looking at it like "we cant have empathy with our own people, cos that's not empathy"
but the problem is, you are othering them. you're saying they are not your people, which is a pure self-own.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 17th, 2021, 4:07 am
by Calvin
either we all live by the same rules, or we dont..

ya cant have it both ways, that we are the same but some of us are handicapped.
cos then we're not the same.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 17th, 2021, 4:14 am
by Facko
Why? One of my best friends is in a wheelchair. I don't treat him any different than anyone else. He might be able to punch my balls off but he doesn't have much maneuverability. I've knocked his ass to the floor more than once when we were talking shit and having drinks. He deserved it too... he knew that. Been friends nearly 20 years at this point.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 17th, 2021, 4:16 am
by Facko
He would ask you the same thing... what makes him special because his legs don't work?

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 17th, 2021, 4:20 am
by Facko
Treat everyone like a human being until they give you reason not too. Better be good reason tho. Damn good.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 17th, 2021, 4:44 am
by Facko
Excuse the vodka driven interpretation. I'll re-read later.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 17th, 2021, 5:02 am
by Calvin
np man, im just cleaning lol
distracting ;P
but needs doing.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 17th, 2021, 5:04 am
by Calvin
imagine if your friend started wanting you to treat him differently. that he became obsessed with his predicament.. that it defined him as a person. that is these people, and they dont even have anything wrong with them. it just makes me wanna give em a slap and be like STAND UP. (no pun intended)

point is being looked at as not a whole person, would be worse than actually having something you have to manage with.
maybe these sjw people actually believe they are super awesome adonis genius gods, but the white man kept them down, so now they're just normal people. it's fantasy..

i dunno man, it's a tough one because you could say im ignorant of things and privileged.. im like 99% healthy and i've not seen a doctor or anything in like 20 years. i have issues, but not health ones. i just think wallowing in not being perfect is pretty much giving up, for the sake of an impossible ideal.... ironic thing for me to say... hmm

dont know, but i will treat people as people, and judge them on the content of their character, and nothing else.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 17th, 2021, 5:21 am
by Calvin
on the bright side, the squirrel on my windowsill has started coming over for peanuts when i call it :D

no longer shall i look insane making squeeking noises for no reason ;P
taken months for it to get comforable tho. suppose it is a wild animal.

there's actually a second smaller, male one now. but big momma keeps chasing him off when she sees him :lol:

he's gettin smart tho, keeps waiting for her to take a nut back to base, then he whips in while she's busy :P
far from tamed that one, it's a lot more cautious. big momma is like hammering on my window in the morning for her nuts :lol:
she even found my bedroom window when i left the curtains open ^.^
woke up with this squirrel a foot from my head staring at me through the glass :lol:
which is crazy, cos it's a sheer 30/40 foot drop from that sill, and a 5 or 6 foot jump from the roof to get on it.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 17th, 2021, 7:41 am
by Calvin
more youtube comments fun:

Cal Hackit
8 minutes ago (edited)
@L Vee are you not basically saying:
"the entire of human progress and development, needs to be scrapped, because white people have had their hands on it. we need to go back to basics and produce an ethnically pure form of science and morality."

and you dont see that as racist?

throughout history we have art celebrating and commiserating "the human experience".
you wanna replace that with "black experience", and "white experience"?

and you dont see that as racist?

i do enjoy these :P
seeing what kinda angle people try to argue.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 17th, 2021, 5:10 pm
by Calvin
L Vee
Last comment. No, I don't care if whites or anyone had their hand in it. And not all development needs to be scrapped. Trump was surely different, but just an opportunist, populist and shit as well. Don't put your faith in politicians or business men or anyone. We don't need far away leaders, we need accountable community and elders or proper role models. I'm outa hers, best of luck.

Cal Hackit
@L Vee take it easy man ;)


ya know what's mad, i tried this on twitter, but literally they just double, triple, quadrouple down; but with a massive dog pile of like 100 people. literally they all @ eachother to get them into the convo until there's like 100 of them and you are answering messages every 5 seconds. it's like trying to bail out an ocean with a bucket. then you get banned lol. for rocking the boat i guess.
it's like, it's not that what you have said is wrong - it's just it has upset too many people.
but what do you expect when you've made it a closed group of like minded drones?

right or wrong, you will never get past the mob mentality on twitter. it has literally reached the point where their ideology has a monopoly, and nothing else can even start to be heard.
i suppose they're all 'professionals' in a way. it's a very specific *type* of person that is welcome on twitter.

bloody corporate lackeys.

i'll make mah own clips Kyle..

btw i know i've used this clip before for the brexit stuff and the hobbled parliament of 2017/18, but it's the same thing. it's a class thing, middle class people looking down on working class people. it's funny cos the working class and the upper class people actually get on pretty well. it's those pampered middle class people that are the problem. they basically think they're upper class because they hate the working class, they think they are so much better than them.

it basically applies to anything where elitists have shat on democracy and appropriated all the power for themselves.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 17th, 2021, 6:52 pm
by Calvin
same eyes..


guy on the right is oppenheimer, father of the atomic bomb.


the road to hell is paved with good intentions..

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 17th, 2021, 7:01 pm
by Calvin

bill hicks, top bloke.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 18th, 2021, 8:41 am
by Calvin
deeply. racist. people.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: May 18th, 2021, 5:36 pm
by Calvin

not a great explanation.. but yeah sorta get what he means. i'll have to find the full thing.. tho looks kinda dull.

joe's an incredibly intelligent guy ya know. not sure about the other guy. funny that.

tbh im skeptical of people that call themselves "philosophers"... generally people say they "studied philosophy"... or they are a "professor of philosophy".
it's just more humble, and generally philosophy will teach you to be more humble. saying you're a philosopher implies parity.. which is a bit... i dunno.. old philosophers were scary clever.

i did 2 years of philosophy at uni, and this guy does not have the presence that the philosophy tutors had... generally they would listen a lot before they would speak, because they needed to establish where you are, before leading you somewhere from there.. hmmm
ya can always tell when joe doesn't like his guest, and joe is a very good judge of chracter tbh.

... i gotta be honest i think this guy is full of shit actually. the "new" theory? thats not really how it works.. he's just tryin to sell his book.
he's not actually saying anything, it's just a colourful metaphor.

i mean you can call that process right there my "mental immune system" if you want, but it doesn't actually translate to anything physical.. or useful. it's just a way of explaining how skeptical people interrogate new information, and indoctrinated people refuse to take on contrary information. that's nothing new.

i actually love contrary information, cos it's like a new piece to the puzzle... nah i dont like this guy, i dont like him at all.
lil... squinty eyes...

"here's the 'skinny'.." - "the people who 'get' this will be the new thought leaders" so the people that buy your book?
skinny... get... the NEW! just now! information...

i rly need to clip Grata Thunberg's "this, is all wrong."

(cant believe he just called Socrates, the father of philosophy "a greek philosopher"...)
(Socrates taught Plato. Plato built the academy. The Academy taught Aristotle. Aristotle basically created logic.)
(there is a direct 3 generation line from Socrates to Plato to Aristotle, that basically spawned the entire of philosophy and logic.)