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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: March 24th, 2021, 5:42 pm
by Calvin
i dunno, america is a weird country for a lot of reasons.

im sure there's some sort of irony in breaking away from the british empire in the name of freedom, then having a war to stop the south from breaking away from the united states.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: March 24th, 2021, 6:45 pm
by Bama
Calvin wrote: March 24th, 2021, 5:42 pm america is a weird country for a lot of reasons.
Give up your land or give up your slaves.........

Look at a map of Texas and Oklahoma
You will notice that Oklahoma has a pan handle
That stretch of land once belonged to Texas
Just another reminder of how things became to be because of slavery

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: March 24th, 2021, 9:43 pm
by Facko
Slavery still exists all over the world... ignoring it for "race" issues is stupid...

Human trafficking currently happening at the border should be concerning to everyone. But I guess doing something about it would be racist... ffs.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: March 25th, 2021, 6:58 am
by Calvin
Bama wrote: March 24th, 2021, 6:45 pm
Give up your land or give up your slaves.........
i dont think the civil war was about slavery at all.. it was just about whether state law trumps federal law or not... it was pretty much the same reason the UK left the EU. imagine them invading us to stop us leaving O.o

it became about slavery when the north started losing, and they needed to give the slaves a reason to fight for them... then they started pushing really recklessly and taking massive casualties...

i dont even think they were against slavery for moral reasons either.. when Abe Lincoln get elected, he was just arguing to not have slavery in the new territories, because the farms that didn't use slaves couldn't compete with the ones that did... so basically; they were taking the whiteman's jobs lol

to say "oh we were the goodies fighting to end slavery, and they were the baddies trying to enslave people" is such a gross over-simplification :/
i might be wrong tbh, cos you will know a lot more american history than me.. but it seems like a case of history being written by the victors.
i doubt the brutality of it as well - that it was all like candyland from jango unchained.

there's still slavery in some arabic countries... but it's a much older tradition for them than us :lol:
the word for a black person in arabic is literally the same word as "slave".. the difference is they castrated their slaves :?

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: March 25th, 2021, 10:06 pm
by Calvin
ya know the Snyder Cut of Justice League, is actually really, really good.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: March 25th, 2021, 10:37 pm
by Calvin
and i originally said 16 tbh, because i think that's actually an apt number for the behaviour ;P
it's gonna do a lot of growing up very fast in the near future i think. just because it will have to reckon with some realities of the international community, tightening the belt and such, being a bit more responsible, less burning the trust fund kinda thing. not squishing so many bugs...
or taking so much for granted.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: March 26th, 2021, 4:22 am
by Facko
Oppress the working class enough and they revolt is the short of what you just said. That's why we left. The cycle is just being repeated. Race is a distraction. We're all human beings.

Eat the rich.

(God I'm old)

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: March 26th, 2021, 8:24 am
by Calvin

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: March 27th, 2021, 8:56 am
by Calvin
i suppose at the end of the day, the important thing for america to remember is to not throw the baby out with the bath water ;)

"Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" is an idiomatic expression for an avoidable error in which something good is eliminated when trying to get rid of something bad, or in other words, rejecting the favorable along with the unfavorable.

... maybe the bottom line is respect for other people

or to put it another way, ego.

that's kinda what people dont get about trump... they think he is the egotistical one, because he makes out that he is awesome. but it's actually Biden and them that BELIEVE they are superior. like yeah trump was turned up to 11, but he was still on a reality level.
the biden lot are seriously going back into the realms of divine right. like their opinion is not even comparible to your opinion, because theirs is divine. it's such a slippy slope.

how fkin random to be skipping through the wonder woman 1984 review and skip to this bit:
ahh i miss him. i miss a human being in charge. instead of some fkin plastic zealot puppet for globalism.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: March 31st, 2021, 6:46 am
by Calvin
that'll be the baby.

it's a nice idea. history aside, the ideal of america is a socially homogenous monoculture that is racially blind.
i guess the question is why that didn't happen, and why people segregated themselves.

... i guess it's kinda hard to have a capitialist meritocracy that doesn't have inequality... i suppose it is called the land of opportunity, not the land of equal stuff - that would be communism actually...

sad fact is we're not all born the same. the ideal ignores reality. inequality is inherant in a capitalist meritocracy.
so the question becomes: is the inequality biological, or from systemic preference?

this is why certain people need to believe it's because of systemic racism, while others believe it confirms their bias.

imo it's cultural. but people have tied culture to race. which is why Biden saying things like "if you dont vote for me, you aint black", or "black entertainment television", "black history month", etc. is actually the root of the problem. all they are doing is making a cultural divide, based on race; and no, one culture is not as good as another. modern culture is much better. post-modernism can fuck off.

modern culture is not "white culture", it's just modern culture. planes, trains, automobiles, the internet, human rights, law and order, community, etc.. if you think all this stuff is "white people stuff"... i dont even know what to say to that.. :|

maybe it actually is the democratic party grifting off people's racism?

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: March 31st, 2021, 7:35 am
by Calvin
maybe there's something to word association and we should stop using the words "black" and "white" in reference to race...

cos like, to be fair, the word black does have connotations, and so does the word white - not in a racial context. it does kinda muddy the issue.. ... muddy.. urgh.. why couldn't they just be blue or green or something... it would make things so much simpler :lol:

interesting: ... te?share=1
it's the fkin spanish again!

... there is such a massive irony in them wanting to be called Black, but not Negro, when it's literally just the word "black" in spanish..

"Mention of white people in English dictionaries began in the 17th century century. However, the expression came into official use only after the American War of Independence. The “whites” were no longer “English”, but according to the segregation system, set themselves apart by using a generic color word."
> ya just keep making this more difficult america... ... evallier-2

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: March 31st, 2021, 10:07 am
by Calvin
im okay with americanism being akin to globalism. just keep it in america?

i think the problem is you try to apply it outside of america, and you simply cant. these are not clean slates.

america did some pretty bad things, but the end result was arguably a good one - a clean slate.

bringing all the historical baggage and racial tribalism into modern america, literally defeats the point of america. which is a terrible shame, because it just made all the bad shit pointless.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: March 31st, 2021, 11:39 am
by Calvin
spitting image was pretty funny :lol:

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: April 1st, 2021, 4:27 pm
by Calvin
tl:dr version; slavery aint that big of an issue, people should all be glad they are part of "the new world", regardless of how they got there.

that goes for women as well, everyone should stop griefing about the past, because it's just history.

the biggest issue is what happened to the indians, but at least something good came out of it, dont ruin it by splitting into warring tribes.

but also lets keep the experiment in america :mrgreen:

and if you want someone to historically blame, it's usually the spanish.

this is why it's sad people turned away from trump and nationalism in america, because your nationalism isn't racist at all really, it's literally the opposite.. it wants everyone to get along, and buy their stuff. which is kinda evil from the point of view of the people being replaced/assimilated by the whole sorta pax americana imperium thing lol. but still, at least it's a happy smiley borg drone with a rainbow on it... erm.. bring back trump! lol.
im not really sure what the new biden thing is all about... spreading a divided warring americanism? :?
oh yeah for the corporations to privatize everything..
i miss the old days when expansionist america just wanted to steam roll everyone's history and culture, and replace it with macdonalds.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: April 1st, 2021, 10:12 pm
by Facko
The biden thing is about using identity politics to keep us distracted while they rob the coffers...

Disarming citizens and killing free speech. Just about any freedom hating thing you can think of probably. Safe to assume the worst here.

Yes, I do believe that biden cheated in the swing states. We have a dictator, not a president. You can think I'm stupid or delusional but there's just too much that says he did. Not to mention the time article that rubbed what they did in trumps face...