Accepted Flute(s) Of Renewal

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Flute(s) Of Renewal

Post by Bama »

They replenish 1 charge every 5 minutes but only if you are in game and you do not use it during that 5 minutes. This happens on Demise

If you are not in game they replenish 1 charge every 5 minutes if they are in a locked down/secure container. This I believe happens on Demise

The following also happens on Demise but I think this is a bug

I was using a flute of renewal last night and when I was done the flute was at 243 uses remaining out of 300

So it needs 57 recharges to become full
1 replenish charge every 5 minutes
This means it will take 285 minutes
Which works out to 4 hours and 45 minutes but only
1 - if I am in game
2 - if I am not in game it has to in a locked down/secure container.

I logged out last night with the flute in my back pack
I know I was no longer in the heat of battle but lets say I was
I own the Keep that I used to logged out but lets say I don't
Silent_9-30_20.25.jpg (245.87 KiB) Viewed 3144 times

So if I was in the heat of battle and I was out in the middle of no where when I logged out (which I wasn't) when I logged back in this morning there should have been only 1 replenished charge on the flute right?
Silent_10-1_07.28.jpg (251.62 KiB) Viewed 3144 times

If this isn't a bug (it is)................When Do Characters Really Logout? ... 14&t=29930
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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