TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Post by Loler »

The poisons are equal to deadly and greater respectively. They can be applied to lethal and deadly if they get the bump just like deadly poison and greater. In the poison thread eos put up it says that as well.
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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Post by desalonne »

I'm really confused why this is such a hard decision honestly....the only difference here currently and osi during this era is the casting....and during the time of osi the player base was 10x what it is here.

During that time there were so many diverse templates in pvp, your arguement that accurate casting will negative template diversity is 100% inaccurate. That being said yea in open world mass pvp a group of archers are gonna beat mages if they have numbers up on them. With this casting or accurate casting that is gonna have the same result. I'm bout 99% sure if 3 dudes sync a yumi you kill someone 99% of the time on your first shots. Can't out cast that regardless of the casting speed.

But what the casting change will do, is make mage duels relevant again, stop the steam 1 button mage pvp, make people play smarter instead of just running around blindly knowing you can hold 1 button and become god. The arguement that if you change casting youre appeasing only 20 people is also terribly innaccurate. All the pvm people might be upset until they are adjusted to it but they won't leave. If they've been here 11 years playing they arnt gonna stop over a casting change. But it will in fact bring the pvp community that is still looking for a server with accurate casting and template diversity here. Sure some people will be angry. But every decision you make to change the game makes someone angry.

So far the only thing I've heard about not implementing casting that is a ration arguement is that there is fear that people will quit over it. I'm sure some people might. But they Will return. Most people have already invested the time to play here and arnt going anywhere. At the end of the day I honestly think the server would be able to compete with uof numbers if the casting became accurate to osi. Because so many pve people in the community overall are looking for that vanilla uo server.
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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Post by Legacy »

MA FB spam hardly kills anyone outside of small arena 1x1. It''s not nearly as Godly as it was before Steam made everyone even.

The difficulty is in changing something that has been a fundamental part of this shard for years. There's another shard with OSI accurate casting, PvP-oriented feel which has 60 players online tops, and supposedly it's full of OSI vets. There's no guarantee players will flock here. But there's a big chance people will be royally pissed off and quit.

It's a total gamble.
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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Post by desalonne »

If your referring to pest the problem there isn't the casting. The problem with that server is a lack of content. Aos era only has so much and the template diversity for pvp is extremely limited. Aos is also the smallest uo community. If you want numbers you go ml or ren. I completely agree it's a gamble. But I don't see many people leaving a server they have played for 20 years simply because the casting changed in fact the only part of the server this would become an issue for is the pvp community as pvm will have 0 influence by a simple casting change.
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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Post by desalonne »

Demise offers content. And it offers template diversity. The only thing holding it back from a huge influx of pvp players is the scripted casting.

Meanwhile pest has the casting but the lack of template diversity and content. Both servers have something for the perfect server but simply lack the other half of it.
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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Post by Eos »

For those interested in testing the casting without setting up new characters on the TC, the OSI casting mechanics can now be enabled in duels on the main server (under Rules -> Custom -> Spells -> OSI Casting).

OSI casting remains enabled for everyone on the Test Center for now.
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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Post by Tempest »

Legacy wrote:
Reefer wrote:
Legacy wrote:This casting has been in this server since forever. We are all used to it. We also used to OP archers. It really makes no sense to change this after a ELEVEN YEARS of it being like this. Specially if it replicates the nature of OSI's casting. You will appease about 20 people and piss off basically everyone else. This frenetic, hyper fast PvP is what makes Demise Demise.

That said, Loop will be very happy to kill mages with our archers while they try to greater heal instead of mini heal spam. ;)
Ever hear of parry bandage mages? The casting wasn't as bad when it was just Razor, with steam it makes this server dog shit and it makes the dog shit people stay alive longer than they should. I'll gladly kill your archers with that casting, good luck killing a group of 5+ magds with 45 dci, parry and bandages.
Yeah, I have. They are purely defensive templates which *everyone* will have to play because they would be the only thing able to remotely stand a horde of archers. It would then kill diversity in the field.

As for the casting, this is coming from someone who used to devastate whole guilds on my own because no one could cast fast: It's better now that everyone is even.
Devastate whole guilds on your own? Are you smoking crack? From the way you sound, looks to me like you're just leaking bullshit out of your ass. You should really stop talking like you're hard when you're playing on UODemise.
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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Post by Legacy »

Tempest wrote:*snip*
Are you even the real Tempest? I'd do 2x??? with Dope Game all the time and win. You should recall that. I'd also raid a whole lot of guilds and you'd hop in to help me finish the job, and vice-versa.

Regardless, I said I am not getting involved into trash talk, so open a thread in the pvp forums if you wanna continue.
desalonne wrote:If your referring to pest the problem there isn't the casting. The problem with that server is a lack of content. Aos era only has so much and the template diversity for pvp is extremely limited. Aos is also the smallest uo community. If you want numbers you go ml or ren. I completely agree it's a gamble. But I don't see many people leaving a server they have played for 20 years simply because the casting changed in fact the only part of the server this would become an issue for is the pvp community as pvm will have 0 influence by a simple casting change.
Plenty of stuff to do there, actually. Just different from what you'd do here. Balrons instead of Paroxysmus.

And, as I said, the change isn't small or simple. It's huge. It won't affect just PvP'ers, it's not a small thing, and if it were you would not care so much about it, amirite?
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atomic chicken
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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Post by atomic chicken »

The problem with pest (which idk why we're discussing it) is that speedhacks are pretty rampant on there (not saying the br's and Chinese dont do it here, but normally they're even not faster). Also, there is 3 templates basically, scribe chiv mage/necromage/disarmarcher. I personally dislike aos servers too, which is why i dont play there. This server offers template diversity, and people say "we'll all change to parry mages and archers" which i think isnt true, I people will do the same shit basically, except maybe more poison mages bc i heard something has/ is changed/changing in poisoning.
Also, I dont think the goal of the server is to have a portion of the population move to another server? When we talk about what benefits the server, normally telling people to leave is not the most effective response. I know we have disagreements about what will benefit the server the most, and thats why we're arguing for the most part.
Also, the changes arent necessarily small in scale, my argument is the changes will not drastically affect any community besides the pvp community, because it is much easier to adapt to pvm and there arent so many pvm mages. Its easy adapt bc mobs do not cast that fast. I dont think it'd be significant enough to make people quit pvm.
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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Post by Legacy »

See Atomic, I've been here long enough. Back when ninjitsu was more powerful than it is now, everyone was a ninja. When EoW didn't have the custom nerf to it, everyone was a SW. The list goes on.

I am not just taking guesses, unfortunately. People flock to the strongest template here, with very rare exceptions.

On a side note, speedhack does not work here. The other shard removed the RunUO movement control filter altogether, which is why it's so rampant.
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atomic chicken
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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Post by atomic chicken »

Right, i have been here for awhile too, and if people flock to the strongest templates that means currently there is no template diversity. So what we'll see is archers, parry mage, poison mages, alchy mages, bow mages and the frenzy whirly bitches. I know my guild probably will be diverse, i think we're generally one of the more diverse templated guilds.
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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Post by Haswell »

I see a few players from a different shard trying to get a cast system that will not work on Demise when it comes to field fights. Adding it as a custom rule for arenas was probably the best choice.

It has been I while since I last read so many wrong assumptions about casting, softwares, game mechanics, etc., it does not worth the time to quote and try to explain things people won't understand because they: (1) barely play this shard, (2) think this is AoS or (3) blindly believe and repeat another person.

Prior to fletching runic tools playing an archer required some skill, you did not have perfect balanced bows, there was a HCI trade-off and hit mana leech was ok... but now? There is an important missing update that allows archers to play without worrying about mana:
Hit Life Leech and Hit Mana Leech are now scaled to the swing speed of the weapon
Hit Life Leech and Hit Mana Leech are now half as effective on ranged weapons as they are on melee weapons

Would this nerf sampires? Yes, but I don't think it kills that template entirely.

So, if you want to start talking about changing cast speed/behavior, there are things that should be addressed in order to keep balance. Personally, I do not rely on spams because of my high ping, tbh I do not see people spamming that much when it comes to field fights, you would not succeed...

It is really difficult to understand a few users who are flooding this thread asking to fix something that does not happen outside arenas. I agree spell spam could be a problem inside arenas, but it was probably fixed after today's patch. Minor changes such as lowering teleport spell range could be a better solution instead of messing with all casting behavior.
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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Post by desalonne »

I've been on pest since the month it opened legacy. You can actively only sit and farm balrons/liches/sw/aw for so many months before you become bored and need something else to do I've scrolled out 2 entire guilds in 120s. I have suited more than 30 players.

I am aware of what pest has to offer. It's strictly lacking in content. And that's not an admin fault so much that aos is simply limited. ML brought a lot of pvm content to it. And it opened up pvp diversity from just scribe and necro mages to a whole slew of different things. I enjoy pest. I think the admins have done a good job making it pvp based and balanced. It simply is just to much rinse repeat for me at this moment. I like what ml offers in diversity and content.
atomic chicken
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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Post by atomic chicken »

i mean i can give an example of spamming in the field - i fought anthony file and yoshtala (or however it's spelled) and they just spammed their mini-heal/remove curse (respectively) lowest friend macro. Can't do much but hope yoshtala forgets to curse. Also, kakroto or goku or someone in that crimmy red color likes to explo fb ma spam and then mortal and that's his whole thing, that is spamming. I never said I died bc of spamming im just saying it's annoying and shows zero skill. I probably have more examples but those are the 2 that stand out in my mind bc it's reoccuring.
Last edited by atomic chicken on June 25th, 2017, 2:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Post by desalonne »

What I've obtained from this thread is everyone's arguement is that archers are broken and if you change casting they will be more broken. To me that doesn't sound like a reason not to implement it but more of a cry to nerf archers as is. 2nd. How can you say osi casting won't work on demise? As this server is as close to osi accurate as one can get for ML (minus casting) and the osi casting worked fine on osi with the era. Another concern I have is that everyone saying they dont want the change are talking about it being bad because of archers and that it would imbalance mages blah blah blah.

I like to think the admins know what they are doin and that if the casting changes were to be made they wold balance everything that is needed accordingly.
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