"Hypothetical" Server Update

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Anthony File
Posts: 1445

"Hypothetical" Server Update

Post by Anthony File »

The following changes will *hypothetically* be made during tonight's server restart:

  • Factions -
    • The penalty timer for dying to an opposing faction member has been reduced from 20 minutes to now only 5 minutes.
      (This change is to promote incentive for faction players to participate in consecutive fights.)
    • The health of War Horses has been increased from 240 to 350.
      (We've decided to add this custom change in attempt to counterbalance the already heavily penalizing dismounts which are prevalent in PvP.)
    • All of the Faction Artifacts (https://www.uoguide.com/Faction_Artifacts) can now be obtained through a custom point and turn-in shop now found within each base. There will not be any rank requirements to obtain faction artifacts and points will instead be acquired through participation in the various new faction events.
      • Along with spending accrued faction points, players will also be required to turn-in the corresponding artifact in order to receive the improved faction variant. (e.g., in order to purchase an improved Crimson Cincture, the player must spend 2,000 points and turn in a normal Crimson Cincture.)

    • Automated Faction Events -

      Dungeon Standoff -
      • A Felucca dungeon will be selected at random and event gates will appear in the center of Britain (Felucca) and each Faction Base. The event gates will allow for an alternative entrance within the chosen dungeon in the chance that it may only have one original entrance.
      • Throughout the duration of the event players will accumulate points for themselves and their Faction for every kill acquired on opposing faction members within the selected dungeon. A player will gain 2 points for having dealt damage to a fallen opposing faction member and an additional 1 point if they delivered the final killing blow.
      • All Faction members who participate in the event will receive participation points at the end of the standoff. All participants will receive 50 points minimum with the winning Faction (the faction with the most total kills) instead receiving 100 points. Please keep in mind that you must have dealt at least 250 points of damage to opposing Faction members during the event in order to receive participation points.
      • This event will occur once every 6 hours and will be active for one hour in total with points only being distributed to players who are logged in at the end of the event and have participation rights.

      Shrine Capture -
      • One of the seven Virtue shrines within Felucca will be selected at random and the four Factions will battle within the area for proximity control and kill points.
      • Every minute, all Faction players within a 10 tile radius of the Shrine will receive 2 points. Additionally, a player will also gain 1 point for having dealt damage to a fallen opposing faction member and an additional 1 point if they delivered the final killing blow. In order to receive points for kills a player must be within a 75 tile radius of the active Shrine.
      • Should a fallen Faction player attempt to resurrect through use of the active Shrine, they will be immediately teleported to their Faction Base and resurrected. Resurrection through the active Shrine will remove the Faction death penalty immediately so that the player may restock and return to the event as soon as possible.
      • This event will occur once every 6 hours and will be active for the duration of 45 minutes in total. At the end of the event all participating players who are logged in will receive their points and the winning Faction (the team with the most points in total) will be able to resurrect freely at the captured Shrine for the next two hours which will remove the normally applied penalty.

      Champion Spawn Faction Valor -
      • As an alternative to gaining points through the new events, players within factions will be able to 'Faction Valor' any inactive Champion Spawn within the Felucca Dungeons or Lost Lands.
        • In order to faction valor a spawn, a player will need to recite the following phrase and then target the center idol - "My Faction wishes to Challenge this Champion". Valoring a spawn this way will deduct 100 points from the challenging player and will publicly send out an announcement to all players online stating which faction and spawn was challenged. (This also sends out the announcement to the UOG Demise Discord server.)
        • Once the spawn is activated there is a one-hour timer started in which the spawn must be completed for it to give faction rewards. If the spawn is completed within one-hour, all players who receive loot rights to the Champion regardless of their Faction will be rewarded with 100 points and in place of gold coins, silver coins will instead be spread out surrounding the death location of the champion.
        • If the challenging player is within the spawn radius and has loot rights to the Champion while it dies, they will also receive an additional 100 points to offset the cost of using 'Faction Valor'.
        • If the spawn is not completed within one hour a message will then go out stating that the challenging faction has failed to slay the champion in time. The spawn will be reverted to inactive immediately and will no longer give faction rewards unless activated again with 'Faction Valor'.
        • Power Scrolls and Artifacts will be rewarded as normal to all completed spawns regardless of whether they were faction challenged and no other changes will be made to the spawn mechanics than what is listed above.

      In other news, here are some other non-faction related changes which will also *hypothetically* go live after the restart!:

      • Ghost players are now allowed to freely travel through moongates regardless of whether they are flagged as criminals or not. Dead players are no longer a threat to others and therefore are free to traverse, please keep in mind that players will still have their applied criminal timers whether dead or alive and that once resurrected a living player will still have to wait out the rest of the two-minute timer remaining in order to recall or use a moongate.
      • The cooldown timers on Enchanted Apples have been reduced to only 45 seconds. This will hopefully balance issues with players spamming Mortal Strike while not impacting the value of investing Chivalry skill into templates for the Remove Curse spell.

      • Harrower Assaults -
        • This PvP event is back and better than before! Players will now be able to turn in a complete set of Champion Skulls to a new NPC - "Jufrund the Barbarian" located within the Vendor Mall pub.
          • Once turned in, Jufrund will ask you to input the specified date and time (in UTC) in which you would like the event to be scheduled. After an event has been scheduled an announcement will be made to all players logged in and it will also be output to the UOG Demise Discord server with further notifications being sent out an hour before the event and once it starts.
          • When the event starts one of sixteen locations is selected at random and then announced to the server, a Harrower will spawn at the selected location and all players in the community are then encouraged to battle within the area for control of the boss.
          • The Artifact drop-table for this event Harrower is different from that of a normally spawned Harrower. The reward(s) will be unique and quite valuable so it is important that you and your team give it your all and try to secure victory over the boss and the rest of the competing shard!

      • Automated 1v1|2v2|3v3 Arena Tournaments -
        • Numerous times a day an automated tournament will be announced and the tournament type and arena will be selected at random with a gate to travel directly to the selected arena being opened within the Vendor Mall.
          • The 1v1 tournaments will be rotated between the following rulsets -
            • The normal 'Standard Ruleset' (Potions/Items/Hiding/Paralyze/Summons will not be allowed.)
            • A new 'Pure Mage Ruleset' (Only the following skills can be used on your character - Magery, Evaluating Intelligence, Resisting Spells, Anatomy, Inscription & Meditation and Potions/Items/Paralyze/Summons will be disabled.)
          • The 2v2 & 3v3 tournaments will be of the 'Field Ruleset' (All Skills/Potions/Items/Spells will be allowed.) and will only take place in the larger field arenas.
          • Competing in the tournaments will reward you leaderboard ranking and points based on where you placed within the tournament.
          • The Event Points shop located within the Vendor Mall has also recently been updated - Check it out!

        With all of the new and exciting events in rotation, we've decide to also post this schedule so that players can follow along and prepare for the events beforehand. (This *hypothetical* schedule is liable to change at any time and we will do our best to communicate any changes as necessary.)
        Event Rotation Schedule.png
        Event Rotation Schedule.png (15.75 KiB) Viewed 28884 times
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The Silvertiger
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Re: "Hypothetical" Server Update

Post by The Silvertiger »

Hypothetically speaking: 👍
Never forget June 4th 1989!
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atomic chicken
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Re: "Hypothetical" Server Update

Post by atomic chicken »

I think faction update would be cool (doubt they’ll want faction arties though).

Don’t agree with warhorse hp change, it makes it have more hp than lesser hiryu, I think you should reward bushido players by having their mount have more Hp than warhorse, so it’d functionally be a bushido nerf.
The faction events seem dumb to me. I wouldn’t care to do any of those things. And I’m not a fan of harrower assault, everyone one of those last time were during times kvg worked or were asleep. We only were able to attend one with like 5 members, super lame.
Someone always gets fucked on the timing of those especially with how good the rewards are. (Personal opinion, we obviously don’t have to agree)
Duel tournaments, don’t have an opinion on except for the 1v1 standard demise rules are stupid bc it rewards cheese templates and doesn’t allow their counter play.
4/6 chiv Disarm dexxers (counter to them is things like conflags, which we can’t use)
Necro poison mages (LP e/o poison = kinda lame w/o allowing cute pots)
So I suggest 1. Pure mage or 2. Everything
Gives archers a chance and allows the counters to cheese to be available.
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Re: "Hypothetical" Server Update

Post by Arden »

I don’t think rewarding automated events is smart ....
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The Silvertiger
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Re: "Hypothetical" Server Update

Post by The Silvertiger »

Reward players for pressing buttons instead of pressing play and walking away. The same amount of time spent in a tournament start to finish could net you a orny, cc, etc. Reward players for playing the game. Just think about this: a player spends 30 minutes chasing one guy around Brit gate. He gets him to 0 hp and out pops a wolf and steals your kill and your reward gold. In a pvm scenario the wolf would get no reward and you would properly be rewarded. I know we don't PvP for reward, but why can't we? Isn't that the point of factions? To reward good PvP and give objectives? Yes, before you say it, factions are broke and farmable, but that's not the idea behind them.
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Re: "Hypothetical" Server Update

Post by Arden »

The Silvertiger wrote: September 2nd, 2020, 12:47 am Reward players for pressing buttons instead of pressing play and walking away. The same amount of time spent in a tournament start to finish could net you a orny, cc, etc. Reward players for playing the game. Just think about this: a player spends 30 minutes chasing one guy around Brit gate. He gets him to 0 hp and out pops a wolf and steals your kill and your reward gold. In a pvm scenario the wolf would get no reward and you would properly be rewarded. I know we don't PvP for reward, but why can't we? Isn't that the point of factions? To reward good PvP and give objectives? Yes, before you say it, factions are broke and farmable, but that's not the idea behind them.
You must not have played pest 2 or the end of pest 1. Let’s not even get into the fact that you don’t pvp. And your only play in the last 3 years is sitting afk in h town running a script.

Rewards shouldn’t be given out for things that could go uncontested. You end up with BCrowly winning a 1v1 tourney lmao or REQ winning anything.

Literally could use the current Faction system, add items to the silver vendor (darksides, mount hues, hair dyes etc). And change stat loss to 5 mins.

Make silver not able to be bag of sending and only farmable in fel in only a few spots.

Have the vendor take both silver and punkte as a currency. Dark side 1920 150k silver and 20 punkte.

Pvp will happen bx people will get to get silver, others will raid, you get the reward or silver for killing someone. You have to get kills to get rewards. Only allow one faction char per acc to limited flooding of factions for take points.
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The Silvertiger
Posts: 4469

Re: "Hypothetical" Server Update

Post by The Silvertiger »

Arden wrote: September 2nd, 2020, 1:30 am
The Silvertiger wrote: September 2nd, 2020, 12:47 am Reward players for pressing buttons instead of pressing play and walking away. The same amount of time spent in a tournament start to finish could net you a orny, cc, etc. Reward players for playing the game. Just think about this: a player spends 30 minutes chasing one guy around Brit gate. He gets him to 0 hp and out pops a wolf and steals your kill and your reward gold. In a pvm scenario the wolf would get no reward and you would properly be rewarded. I know we don't PvP for reward, but why can't we? Isn't that the point of factions? To reward good PvP and give objectives? Yes, before you say it, factions are broke and farmable, but that's not the idea behind them.
You must not have played pest 2 or the end of pest 1. Let’s not even get into the fact that you don’t pvp. And your only play in the last 3 years is sitting afk in h town running a script.

Rewards shouldn’t be given out for things that could go uncontested. You end up with BCrowly winning a 1v1 tourney lmao or REQ winning anything.

Literally could use the current Faction system, add items to the silver vendor (darksides, mount hues, hair dyes etc). And change stat loss to 5 mins.

Make silver not able to be bag of sending and only farmable in fel in only a few spots.

Have the vendor take both silver and punkte as a currency. Dark side 1920 150k silver and 20 punkte.

Pvp will happen bx people will get to get silver, others will raid, you get the reward or silver for killing someone. You have to get kills to get rewards. Only allow one faction char per acc to limited flooding of factions for take points.
Sounds good. As far as the uncontested bit make it have a minimum amount of players. I don't mind players having multiple characters per account in factions. The game already has tracking ability of accounts built in via co-ownership and therefore could limit rewards by account. The thing is any sort of system like factions is going to be farmed without supervision. Yes, 5-7or8 min stat loss would be a great update right now without any other changes.

All I'm saying is reward players for playing the game. PvP is where you will find players actually pressing buttons. I mean I wouldn't mind if they made player corpses instanced loot and the insurance split by damage.

I totally understand, we (yes, I PvP occasionally) don't PvP for rewards. PvP is one aspect of the game that isn't grindy.

Just answer me these questions: why can't we reward PvP? Why can't we reward players for playing the game?

Like how you and everyone else knows about my play time. :roll: Wish everyone would just quit assuming. All it does is make a donkey out of everyone.
Never forget June 4th 1989!
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Re: "Hypothetical" Server Update

Post by Maloskies »

Improving factions would be ideal, stat timer for sure. Maybe some necessary arties like cc. War horses are fine though.
Discord: Maloskies#2094
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Re: "Hypothetical" Server Update

Post by rianncesar »

agreed with Antony File
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Re: "Hypothetical" Server Update

Post by Cunnana »

People crying about faction on 3...2...1
atomic chicken
Posts: 499

Re: "Hypothetical" Server Update

Post by atomic chicken »

Loop hiding in house for 20 min 3...2...1
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Anthony File
Posts: 1445

Re: "Hypothetical" Server Update

Post by Anthony File »

The server has saved for the last time and server wars has started...
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Anthony File
Posts: 1445

Re: "Hypothetical" Server Update

Post by Anthony File »

The server has saved for the last time and server wars has started...
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Mochizuki Shiryu
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Re: "Hypothetical" Server Update

Post by Mochizuki Shiryu »

what i like in this server is, players cry like that begging for lot of stuff and staff do whatever they want, no matter he is old hz or not, but nice post, congratz, 20 min penality is perfect, so pvp can have real winners, u guys are just fags who dont accept it and cry on everything, b4 u asking who am I, I can tell u I am the one who u killed afk over yew bank, than came back and raped ur ass...
Yup, kapero biggest enemy in game is the trash barrel
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The Silvertiger
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Re: "Hypothetical" Server Update

Post by The Silvertiger »

Diabolic/hagnok, yes?
Never forget June 4th 1989!
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"Screenshots will never be used as evidence but more of a reference tool for us to help in our investigations."
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