A guild reborn!

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A guild reborn!

Post by Avarice »

Cleaned out and rid of it's problem players, CK has been renewed.

Though we are starting from square one, our plans are set in stone. We have crafters, tailors, cooks and resource toons. We plan to become a well rounded group. Our goal is to help one another grow and flourish in any way possible.

At the moment, we don't have enough people, but we will be doing peerless, spawns, dungeon crawls and Doom runs when we do.

We are now recruiting players of all kinds! Mainly PvM, Any and all PvP will be the choice of each player.

-Rude behavior
These will result in an instant banning from the guild without warning.

Please note, we do not give out free handouts upon joining the guild because too many players take advantage of this. However, if there is something you need, we are willing to help you find it or make it if it is within our means or skill set.

We use skype as our means to communicate. Group chat and occasional voice chat (not mandatory but ideal) are used.

If interested, please PM Avarice on the forums or add strawberrypart2 on skype. If you choose skype, please leave a short message so I know why I'm getting a random request.
Amish Hammer and ortiz like this.
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