I hope these links are found helpful:Bama wrote:Opywang wrote:For 7 years or more.........................................
If you were really here for 7 years or more you would know or remember that they gave a gold bump to all the monsters almost doubling the previous amounts
Opywang wrote:many words strung together .........................
.......................which is just recycled whiningIf they wanted to control the "gold rate on the shard" they would have reverted the previous mentioned gold bump that was implemented less than 7 years agoOpywang wrote:So this is why it made me think well maybe they are trying to control the gold rate on the shard, and it doesn't want us to get a lot of gold, or something.
You do remember getting 500 to 600 gold from dragons right? Or is that number 7 for the years you have farmed Demise another fact you pulled out of your ass?
Youtube.com MMO Economies - Hyperinflation, Reserve Currencies & You! - Extra Credits
Youtube.com MMO Economies - How to Manage Inflation in Virtual Economies -Extra Credits
Youtube.com Balancing an MMO Ecosystem - Getting a Mix of Player Types - Extra Credits
Youtube.com How it feels when Bama has to step in to explain... - My humble opinion