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Re: Is afk farming legal or what?

Posted: March 10th, 2017, 12:56 pm
by The Silvertiger
Reset it! It would be healthy for these people's mental state... Hoarding computer pixels...

Re: Is afk farming legal or what?

Posted: March 10th, 2017, 2:15 pm
by Bama
The Silvertiger wrote:Reset it!
But only when we get a returning player who no longer has the time to play

The real problem would be how far back does the server get reset

I vote for the house placing exploit because I never got the chance to abuse it. All those players with millions in gold and all the items and poor me all alone in Haven with 1000 in gold and a bag of reagents

Re: Is afk farming legal or what?

Posted: March 10th, 2017, 2:56 pm
by The Silvertiger
Let's do it.

Re: Is afk farming legal or what?

Posted: March 10th, 2017, 3:27 pm
by GamliBaykus
we need gold reset!, we need more staff or Imbuing and new publishs
select one

I think item reset is not possible

Re: Is afk farming legal or what?

Posted: March 10th, 2017, 4:11 pm
by Vitek-
How about you just put up an NPC that sells name changes and skill balls and shit for gold. Then you have a gold sink. PROBLEM SOLVED GUYTHS.

I haven't heard a good reason yet for any of these crazy "reset" ideas. Heartwood kits/saws are a "thing" because they're scripted, otherwise you'd see like 2 for sale a week from nerds who manually do the shit and there will not be anymore good bows or black staves, period. Same with tailoring. Everything is cheaply available for new players to get started without too much hell to go through.

Don't add imbuing. Please. I came here because I missed ML. :()

Re: Is afk farming legal or what?

Posted: March 10th, 2017, 4:59 pm
by Drak'in
Ty for that information, ill be rolling thru wisp dungeon every 30 minutes today and dispatching vigilante justice.

Re: Is afk farming legal or what?

Posted: March 10th, 2017, 5:09 pm
by Silent Shadow
Drak'in wrote:Ty for that information, ill be rolling thru wisp dungeon every 30 minutes today and dispatching vigilante justice.
russians have EPIC proverb about you
...something about glass it
if you if you wanna waste your time without any effect - go forward ^^,

PS: if you didnt know - your actions are bannable offense ,learn rules better you fool
ticket on you is allready done :lol:

Re: Is afk farming legal or what?

Posted: March 10th, 2017, 5:22 pm
by Drak'in
americans have an epic proverb, something about sucking a dick, google it.

PS: if you didnt know - the unattended gathering of resources is a bannable offense, im pretty sure that makes me the batman of ultima. dispatching vigilante justice to the scum that plagues our server.

Re: Is afk farming legal or what?

Posted: March 10th, 2017, 6:01 pm
by Silent Shadow
Drak'in wrote:the unattended gathering of resources is a bannable offense
if my char is runnin away of yours dragon - why you think thats "unattended"?
do you know what it means :lol:
i have 10+ screenshots of that thats YOU not me breakin the shard rules
that what YOU do is a bannable offense
Drak'in wrote:im pretty sure that makes me the batman of ultima.
thats make you an idiot that dont know what he is doin
when you are luring your dragon and char which is farmin wisps begin to run away from you... you realy think that is a bot? :?
silly idiot...

Re: Is afk farming legal or what?

Posted: March 10th, 2017, 6:02 pm
by Drak'in
i didnt lure anything, i released it. if you arent afk you wont die. if you dont want to die dont break the rules lmao

Re: Is afk farming legal or what?

Posted: March 10th, 2017, 6:14 pm
by Bama
Drak'in wrote: i released it.
No you didn't
I watched it go wild while you were spamming commands and it never obeyed one

(Don't tell on yourself)

Re: Is afk farming legal or what?

Posted: March 10th, 2017, 6:16 pm
by Silent Shadow
i repeat - YOU...ARE.. AN... IDIOT
im lookin for my char BUT he is farmin on UOS makros includin "get enemy-attack enemy"
and all other non-bot farmers are doin the same!
so you, idiot , are killin ALL chars, not bots only.
get you invalid head from your ass.

Re: Is afk farming legal or what?

Posted: March 10th, 2017, 6:18 pm
by Drak'in
Silent Shadow wrote:i repeat - YOU...ARE.. AN... IDIOT
im lookin for my char BUT he is farmin on UOS makros includin "get enemy-attack enemy"
and all other non-bot farmers are doin the same!
so you, idiot , are killin ALL chars, not bots only.
get you invalid head from your ass.
thats called "unattended scripting for resources"
dont be mad at me, i cant help it, my dragon go wild because i only have 90 taming! that skill hard to raise!

Re: Is afk farming legal or what?

Posted: March 10th, 2017, 6:27 pm
by Silent Shadow
Drak'in wrote: dont be mad at me, i cant help it, my dragon go wild because i only have 90 taming! that skill hard to raise!
Drak'in wrote:Ty for that information, ill be rolling thru wisp dungeon every 30 minutes today and dispatching vigilante justice.
rly? :lol: dont be such a retard
Drak'in wrote:thats called "unattended scripting for resources"
do you know what means "unattended"?
you definately are invalid or smthin like that.
what word means i dont look for my char while it is farmin
PS: you are f*kin asshole, you killed my char in 1 min while i was answerin you here

Re: Is afk farming legal or what?

Posted: March 10th, 2017, 6:32 pm
by Drak'in
"what word means i dont look for my char while it is farmin" - the word you are searching for is "unattended"

PS: you must have gotten killed by my dragon when you were unattended, when they get hungry they go wild and try to eat everyone :(