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Re: Lava lizard spawn at delucia?

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 5:24 pm
by april0395
Why not call guards before you die, rather than waiting until you res up to call the guards?

Re: Lava lizard spawn at delucia?

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 6:15 pm
by april0395
Opywang wrote:
april0395 wrote:Why not call guards before you die, rather than waiting until you res up to call the guards?
An another negative supporter that just wanted to ruined the shard.

Lava lizard doesn't belong in delucia, and your allowing this, and then question us why not say guards before it come?

Why don't we put lava lizard every inch so nobody can mine, or lumberjack?
I was just wondering why he would wait to call the guards if he was actually watching his screen. It sounds like someone probably released it and lured it over, possibly with a stealthing/herder (my god, are people that bored?) and killed him.

Re: Lava lizard spawn at delucia?

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 6:25 pm
by An Elemental
april0395 wrote: It sounds like someone probably released it and lured it over, possibly with a stealthing/herder

Re: Lava lizard spawn at delucia?

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 7:26 pm
by april0395
Which is why I'm confused as to why he would let it kill him if he was actually watching his screen. He could have called guards before it killed him. So, I'm saying that he probably wasn't watching his screen as closely as he states. It sounds like he noticed that he died and then resed up and called guards. SO, someone could possibly have lured it over if he wasn't watching that closely.

Re: Lava lizard spawn at delucia?

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 10:39 pm
by ortiz
if he died he was afk... tell your guild to stop afk taming noob xD

Re: Lava lizard spawn at delucia?

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 11:58 pm
by ortiz
they didnt add a new spawn to the bulls area... someone lured it to him while he was afk taming and he died

Re: Lava lizard spawn at delucia?

Posted: November 10th, 2016, 12:34 am
by MelodyTFA
Opywang wrote:
april0395 wrote:Why not call guards before you die, rather than waiting until you res up to call the guards?
An another negative supporter that just wanted to ruined the shard.

Lava lizard doesn't belong in delucia, and your allowing this, and then question us why not say guards before it come?

Why don't we put lava lizard every inch so nobody can mine, or lumberjack?
I vote we add more lava lizard's, and remove guards from felucia

Re: Lava lizard spawn at delucia?

Posted: November 10th, 2016, 12:52 am
by Necrodog
[2:31:16 AM] John: I rezzed then called
[2:31:21 AM] John: guards the guards

You died to a lava lizard?

Get Rekt Nerd.

Re: Lava lizard spawn at delucia?

Posted: November 10th, 2016, 3:50 pm
by Lead44
Sounds like an afk n00b

Re: Lava lizard spawn at delucia?

Posted: November 10th, 2016, 5:22 pm
by Bama
Opywang wrote:He clearly said it pop up you can't hide it, and stealth.
This is very true but what someone can do is have it stay in one spot
Stealth over to your buddy who is taming (and watching the screen all 3 times that he died)
Log out close to your buddy
Log in
There the thing just popped up ... ers&id=224
I think we should go with your theory though a GM spawned one by your buddy

One more thing Opy
How did you die at the TFA Vendor house yesterday?..................ahhhh mysteries

Re: Lava lizard spawn at delucia?

Posted: November 10th, 2016, 5:42 pm
by Bama
Opywang wrote:
Bama wrote: One more thing Opy
How did you die at the TFA Vendor house yesterday?..................ahhhh mysteries
Not sure somebody release pet maybe cause the journal didn't say when I returned.
I think it was the GM in my guild that got you killed.................I could be wrong