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I have a problem and I was affected by banned accounts.

Posted: January 7th, 2021, 10:06 pm
by lider
First of all, greetings to all the administrators that make up this team.

the reason for my pm is to locate and get a specific response from the LARSON administrator as I have been waiting for it for a long time ... it should be noted that a few months ago I was affected by the blocking of my 4 official accounts due to ignorance.
my big mistake was linking them with the same email from my brother pipina. I appreciate an answer to the private :coffee:

Re: I have a problem and I was affected by banned accounts.

Posted: January 8th, 2021, 8:25 pm
by Calvin
"my big mistake was linking them with the same email"
i know that feel bro.

when i first put my email in i found all my accounts jailed like a day later lol..
this was a while ago, was arguing with bad gm that's gone now.
but it feels like a massive piss take when you try to help them and they use it against you >.<

my policy these days is to never give anyone (including legit companies) any personal information unless you absolutally have to.

i do trust the current staff, but trust only goes as far as human falibility ;)
so protect yourself online and dont trust anyone completely. dont give anyone anything they dont need ;)

people have used it for account recovery, but that's only benefit i know of.
it just links all your accounts together with the forum account.
ultimately they can link them by ip anyway if it's something serious.

Re: I have a problem and I was affected by banned accounts.

Posted: January 8th, 2021, 10:10 pm
by lider
Thanks for your advice friend, and believe me that I already have it very clear ... I hope with great satisfaction an answer from GM LARSON

Re: I have a problem and I was affected by banned accounts.

Posted: January 8th, 2021, 10:16 pm
by Calvin
try a PM, this shouldn't really be a public thread, it's your own personal issue..


[Ford] slowly drew out from the wallet a single and insanely exciting piece of plastic that was nestling amongst a bunch of receipts.

It wasn’t insanely exciting to look at. It was rather dull in fact. It was smaller and a little thicker than a credit card and semi-transparent. If you held it up to the light you could see a lot of holographically encoded information and images buried pseudo-inches deep beneath its surface.

It was an Ident-i-Eeze, and was a very naughty and silly thing for Harl to have lying around in his wallet, though it was perfectly understandable. There were so many different ways in which you were required to provide absolute proof of your identity these days that life could easily become extremely tiresome just from that factor alone, never mind the deeper existential problems of trying to function as a coherent consciousness in an epistemologically ambiguous physical universe. Just look at cash point machines, for instance. Queues of people standing around waiting to have their fingerprints read, their retinas scanned, bits of skin scraped from the nape of the neck and undergoing instant (or nearly instant - a good six or seven seconds in tedious reality) genetic analysis, then having to answer trick questions about members of their family they didn’t even remember they had, and about their recorded preferences for tablecloth colours. And that was just to get a bit of spare cash for the weekend. If you were trying to raise a loan for a jetcar, sign a missile treaty or pay an entire restaurant bill things could get really trying.

Hence the Ident-i-Eeze. This encoded every single piece of information about you, your body and your life into one all-purpose machine-readable card that you could then carry around in your wallet, and therefore represented technology’s greatest triumph to date over both itself and plain common sense.