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Why do you play UO?

Posted: March 24th, 2023, 3:13 am
by RaTherGrim
Hi there!

I am kind of new to this server (60 days and counting). (Used to play UO between around 1999 to 2003, mostly on a rp shard.) Recently, I wanted to experience UO once again. So I ended up here to feed my nostalgia and rekindle my love for this great game.

Lots of things have changed, as expected. It makes me wonder. Why do you still play UO and why do you play on demise?

I see veterans, a lot of scripting and a lot of complaining about the shard. So I started to wonder what peoples reasons are to keep playing UO and why they play on demise. There are tons of guides and scripts to avoid the grind, but for me, the grind always seemed to be one of the most fun parts. Earning your skills, the rush you get, when you attempt to move on from the graveyards to your first ogres, dungeons, dragons. Progressing, trying out things, failing over and over again and slowly finding your place. Sure, I did it all before, but it seems different every time, on every shard and with every char.
I don't care too much about being as fast and efficient as possible. I just want to have fun discovering and experiencing. Sure the game is old and you can read up on every detail but why spoil the fun. Getting your own experience and finding your own paths and solutions was one of the reasons why I fell in love with the game all those years ago in the first place. But I can imagine it being different for someone who never left and knows the game inside out by now.

I see tons of scripted miners, people scripting heartwood quests and even scripted pvp. All seemingly perfected to the last detail. I can imagine how one would optimise one's gameplay over the years, but I am curious how people get long term enjoyment out of it. I might be naive and I don't want to diminish anyones preferred style of playing. I am just curious.
It doesn't really seem to be a fun experience to me watching Netflix while keeping an eye on two laptops with scripted farmers gathering numbers to get a fifth set of whatever that is 1% better than the tons stacked in some chest in a house. Maybe for occasionally pvp'ing, assisted by scripts against another scripted player.
Don't get me wrong, I might have completely misunderstood a lot of what experienced players are doing here. But this is exactly why I started this thread. Not to critisize other peoples playing style, but to understand the general vibe of peoples experience here and what their motivations are / what parts they enjoy most about it.

Let's break it down to five simple questions:

1. When did you start playing UO?
2. How long have you been playing your current account(s) on demise?
3. What keeps you coming back and spending a lot of time here?
4. What parts of the game do you script and why?
5. Where do you get your enjoyment out of playing UO on Demise? (In general and on a daily basis)

And once again, I don't want to compain or diminish anything. Just explain your experience of the game to me, as if I was a small child. Because in terms of play time, I probably am :lol: .

Re: Why do you play UO?

Posted: June 4th, 2023, 3:41 pm
by Kurupted
Uo is goat. The experiences and bonds with people on a daily is da bomb.