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Conjurer's Garb/Trinket

Posted: February 11th, 2024, 11:35 am
by Mizernik
So i am returning player.Been away for some year and decide to come back.Now i want to have Conjurer items but they are so expencive.And the only place to have them is to wait till next xmas....... So what are my alternatives here.I cant buy them from donation so i am forset to do AFK makros ? Is that is.Where is the fun from the game.Will be nice if they can be make all years quest ever if they are very lond quest but at lest we can have them ather way i dont know how new player will come to play on that server. Evry where when i go there is aways sombody who is afk ther just kiling mobs or doing runics .
Sorry for my english i know is bad

Re: Conjurer's Garb/Trinket

Posted: February 16th, 2024, 2:41 pm
by Vitek-
Garb = 75m
Trinket... probably like 200 if you can find anyone selling.

You can sell 120PS for lots of gold - example: 120 parry = 14m, 120 eval = 8m, etc... Within a few weeks I was able to farm up (4) crimson cinctures and 2 paroxysmus swamp dragons, all of which sold for 20m apiece. This was just from farming paroxysmus manually by myself.

You farm up items, sell them, amass some gold, then buy from another player. Some players will trade for a bunch of runics, or other good items. It's not unattainable, and you don't need to be AFK to make gold Alternatively, wait until halloweentown and farm one yourself. I got a garb and a trinket this past htown.