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Price check ring

Posted: November 23rd, 2020, 8:28 am
by ObliMayhem
I was thinking maybe I can do some bank with this ring?

Anatomy +5
Faster Cast Recovery 3
Faster Casting 1
Spell Damage Increase 5%
Strength Bonus 5

Re: Price check ring

Posted: December 1st, 2020, 3:59 am
by ObliMayhem
Nothing? Really?

Re: Price check ring

Posted: December 2nd, 2020, 6:16 am
by Alvin
Sadly nothing :(

Re: Price check ring

Posted: December 3rd, 2020, 8:48 pm
by Calvin
a plain 3/1 is only like 50k.. this only really has 5sdi of consequence

it's not like 10 sdi, 10 lrc, 7lmc or anything like that

Re: Price check ring

Posted: December 3rd, 2020, 9:46 pm
by Calvin
just to give you an idea, i use the ones in yellow (my mages are FAR from geared up).

the ones in red are not really good enough to sell.

the ones in green i would sell, but even those aren't like super millions


the one you have is not a terrible item, probably worth like 200k. just there is many items at that level. what people really pay for is the 1 item you find for every 10 or 20 of those. or the one item you find in every 10 or 20 of those items ;)

you can pretty much see it in the distrubution of the picture. call the green ones A grade, there's an S grade above that. those are the 100+ mil ones. these greens probably like 5-10kk, reds like 200k. most of the greens are only a useful combo as well, not even good rolls, just the 3/1 wrestler really.

it's not that your 3/1 is worthless, just there is so many to choose from at that level that it's hard to sell. but still i think 200k it'd sell pretty easy for someone to use for a while.

see my yellows are just really greens where i've managed to use a bit of an obscure combo, or they give me exactly what i need.

to get the super high numbers it needs to have what people need as a basic, that'll be like 3 mods, then 1 or 2, useful or ideal mods.
2 ideal is like boom.

but an ideal 3 mod combo can get you into the 5mil range. 5 sdi is too meh tho, and 3/1s are not even that valuable since release of all the other casting speed items :/
you only really need em if you're using a spell chan -1. 15 magery will get you bank on a 3/1, because it's for the spell chan mage weps.

the red tier stuff i generally give away tbh.. just cos it's not worth the effort to try and sell. without other items costing rent tho, i think yours would actually sell at 200 pretty fast. but only cos it'd be cheap enough to buy and stick in a box in case you ever needed it.

Re: Price check ring

Posted: December 4th, 2020, 7:00 am
by ObliMayhem
Thanks for the comprehensive answer Calvin! I just started here again, so I had no idea about the values. I don't even have 200k in my bank atm, but I think I'll keep this one to myself, as I kinda need it now. :D

Re: Price check ring

Posted: December 4th, 2020, 1:17 pm
by Calvin
that 3/1, 9 taming, 9 sdi, 2 lmc should probably be in with the greens.

spell weavers might need 3/1's im not sure what the fast casting speed cap is for weaving, it's 4 for chivalry, but sdi's not for chiv really so..

but for magery it's 2/6, and scrappers + vesper shield will give you 2/3 already. you'll get people using better than those that might need 3/1's (like sc-1 weps) but they will be looking for a lot better than 5sdi on their jewels. like if it was paired with arcane and inquis or something.