Captain Andrew Luck

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Captain Andrew Luck

Post by Bama »

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Dearest mother —
It has come to my attention a new general will be assigned to the unit soon. From cables the men have intercepted, it appears will shall be commanded by a young upstart from the land of New England. I am cautiously optimistic. We yearn for victory.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
I write with splendid news. I believe I have successfully replaced the firing pin in my sidearm, which means I can once again use it. I cannot lie, a great deal of rust has accumulated from non-use. However, I am confidant my aim shall return quickly.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
It is with a heavy heart I write to tell you Sgt. Edwin Jackson has passed. My heart is broken, as are the hearts of all the men in the unit. May he rest in peace.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
The unit has been informed we officially have a new general, Josh McDaniels. He has had tremendous success at one post and struggled at another. But, I have confidence. The men are ready to be victorious once more.

Dearest mother —
I write with most distressful news. The men have been hoodwinked. The deserter McDaniels is on the lamb, likely headed toward New England, my best scouts report. Was this a ploy to merely spy? We shall never know. Irritating.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
Time heals all wounds, including a slap to the face from a bamboozler. I have confidence the unit shall find a proper general, in time. Now, I must return to my sidearm drills. Hopeful.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
Glorious day! It appears the unit will have a new general soon. Frank Reich shall take command. His Eagles were the ultimate victor last campaign. Now, the time has come to shed his feathers and attach some horse shoes. Invigorating.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
The unit was introduced to Gen. Reich today. I believe I got the measure of the man. I am impressed. There is much work ahead before our next campaign, but I am filled confidence, vigor and, of course, a small amount of Squirrel Oil.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
I write with gladsome news. My accuracy and handling of my sidearm have progressed splendidly. While I am only able to fire a few rounds at a time, I know in my heart that capacity will increase. Battle calls me, mother. I shall answer. I love you.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
Joyous news! The unit’s trusted sniper, Sgt. Vinatieri, shall return for one more campaign. Soldiers of his talent are cut from a small, much desired cloth. Fortune smiles upon us. We will need his skill in the most dire of situations.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
I plan to spend the remainder of this month relaxing, possibly working in some squirrel hunting, but then I will officially be back among my men. I am exuberant. My uniform shall need to be pressed and my sidearm polished, but all in good time.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
A deal has been made between our unit and the Jet men of New York for new solider selection. While the Jet men shall select first among the tenderfoots, we shall cut a wider swath. Satisfied.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
Welcomed news! The unit has a new soldier to help the men advance down the battlefield. Readying for this moment by training among Lions, I have no doubt Lt. Ebron will be a robust addition to our successful campaign.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
Lt. Gore has departed the unit. While I shall miss our Frank discussions, he confided in me his wish to one day swim with the Dolphins. He shall be missed. Onward.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
I write with glorious news. I have indeed been practicing with my sidearm and live rounds. I shall be battle ready once more. I know this news is bittersweet, as you worry about your boy, but a good captain must be in the fray with his men. I miss you.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
I am once again among my men. In my exuberance, there has been some confusion. While I have been using live ammo with my sidearm, the rounds have not been the standard issue “Duke.” I simply cannot risk re-damaging my barrel. Soon, I shall upgrade.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
It is with tremendous excitement I inform you I drilled with the unit today. Although not in full uniform, I donned my hat and supply pack. No rounds from my sidearm were discharged, but other maneuvers were carried out successfully. My resolve grows.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
Today marks the beginning of The Draft. Our unit has two opportunities, initially, to bring some fine, young talent into the ranks. Confidence builds. I can still recall the day I was chosen for duty. A glorious moment, indeed.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
I am elated. The unit has added Pvt. Nelson to its ranks. I foresee myself and this young man working closely on the field of battle. Let the kinship begin.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
I have been lifting all manner of creature off the ground in an effort to strengthen my sidearm. The scratches and bite marks are welcomed as my body and resolve grows. To be battle tested, I must be battle ready.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
I write with exuberance. Today, for the first time after many sunrises, I fired my sidearm in full view of onlookers. It was a sight, I admit. Some were startled. The unit has a grueling campaign that inches closer daily. I shall be ready. I love you.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
I am feeling jubilant. I shall report to basic training next week with a fully-functioning sidearm. Still, I plan to conserve my ammo for the campaign. The road to this point has been long, but, I have arrived. Please pet the hogs for me. I love you.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
Today, I again report for basic training. I feel I am more well-prepared for the battles ahead than I have been for some time. I shall fire my sidearm in abundance — and it will be marvelous. My heart is glowing, my neckbeard full and my resolve strong.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
Basic training goes well. However, the unit shall move out soon. We have been ordered to confront the Hawks of the Sea. I fully intend to be on the battlefield. But since I fear the encounter will count for nothing, my time shall be limited. I’m fervent.
- Andrew

Dearest mother —
I have received your care package of salted sparrow knuckles, dried skunk bites and, of course, squirrel oil. The unit will begin its march tomorrow to confront the Hawks of the Sea. I will finally see battlefield action. Do not fret. I will be cautious.
— Andrew

Dearest mother —
The unit has reached the outskirts of Hawks of the Sea territory. We shall set camp for today with plans to battle tomorrow. I am more eager than when we await the crops to come in. I am ready, my resolve mighty. Give the chickens my best. I love you.
— Andrew
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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Re: Captain Andrew Luck

Post by Bama »

9 August 2018

Dearest mother —
I write you a renewed man. I stood upon the battlefield once more — and the feeling was glorious. I used my sidearm multiple times with great success. The engagement may count for nothing, but the victory has emboldened the men. I am filled with hope.
— Andrew
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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Re: Captain Andrew Luck

Post by Bama »

12 August 2018

Dearest mother —
Basic training continues to progress splendidly. My sidearm proficiency increases with every round expelled. And because it has more than earned it, my neckbeard has taken some of its accrued annual leave. The days continue to brighten.
— Andrew
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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Re: Captain Andrew Luck

Post by Bama »

13 Aug 2018

Dearest mother —
Scouts report a conspiracy of Raven men are making their way toward our home camp. Sneaky. Judging by the feather trail, it is estimated that unit will reach our men in seven days. I suspect another fruitless outcome, but we shall be ready nonetheless.
— Andrew
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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Re: Captain Andrew Luck

Post by Bama »

15 August 2018

Dearest mother —
I have received your care package of sweetened chipmunk thighs, rabbit jerky and, of course, more Squirrel Oil for my bare neck. The unit continues to drill in basic as the Raven men near. Soon, we shall be able to hear their shrill calls approaching.
— Andrew
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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Re: Captain Andrew Luck

Post by Bama »

18 August 2018

Dearest mother —
A new battle draws near. The outskirts of camp are littered with feathers. We met with some of the Raven men yesterday to discuss terms of the engagement. We all agreed the outcome would not impact either unit’s actual campaign. I am ready for action.
— Andrew
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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Re: Captain Andrew Luck

Post by Bama »

19 August 2018

Dearest mother —
Our unit’s cherished chronicler, Bob Lamey, is retiring from service. Well earned. His accounts of our battles through the years have traveled far and wide. ‘twas he who gave our supporters the most vivid picture of our campaigns. Farewell.
— Andrew
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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Re: Captain Andrew Luck

Post by Bama »

20 August 2018

Dearest mother —
The Raven men lunged at our unit with their beaks, and while some damage was inflicted, no longterm harm occurred. My sidearm was true, save for one ricochet. Our trusted sniper, Sgt. Vinatieri, made an impressive shot that dazzled all who witnessed.
— Andrew
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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Re: Captain Andrew Luck

Post by Bama »

21 August 2018

Dearest mother —
Scouts report a unit of prospectors out of California is headed toward our camp. With their supply-line dependent on mules, it is estimated they shall reach us by Saturday. We plan to drill until we hear the clanks of their pans.
— Andrew
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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Re: Captain Andrew Luck

Post by Bama »

22 August 2018

Dearest mother —
I have received your care package of baked turtle necks and seasoned crow’s breast. The unit continues to drill as we await the California prospectors. Their leader, Capt. Garoppolo, is foretold to be as talented as he’s striking. But, we shall be ready.
— Andrew
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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Re: Captain Andrew Luck

Post by Bama »

24 August 2018

Dearest mother —
The prospectors are near. Burro tracks stop at the outskirts of town, which is littered with worn-down pick axes and gold-mining pans. Tomorrow, we shall battle. I fear this will be another conflict resulting in no meaningful victory for either side.
— Andrew
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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Re: Captain Andrew Luck

Post by Bama »

25 August 2018

Dearest mother —
I am full of jubilance. My sidearm is true once more. The hogs would weep tears of joy had they witnessed today’s events. The Prospectors fell, but it was a simple exercise, no true harm. I’m ready for our upcoming campaign, my resolve solid. I love you.
— Andrew
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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Re: Captain Andrew Luck

Post by Bama »

27 August 2018

Dearest mother —
The unit moves out this morning to Cincinnati to battle a unit of Tigers for one finale exercise. Do not fret, I shall not see action, likely nor should their leader, Capt. Dalton — a commander so intense, it has been said his head is ablaze. I miss you.
— Andrew
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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Re: Captain Andrew Luck

Post by Bama »

29 August 2018

Dearest mother —
The unit has reached the outskirts of Cincinnati. We prepare for our final exercise tonight against the Tiger men. Scouts report one of their top soldiers is covered in gangrene, or, perhaps, simply his name is Green. It will be discovered soon enough.
— Andrew
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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Re: Captain Andrew Luck

Post by Bama »

30 August 2018

Dearest mother —
And so ends our exercises. The unit bested the Tiger men, but the damage is not permanent. Now, the hour upon us. Our true campaign begins. Where it shall take us, I know not. But I believe in my men. I believe in Gen. Reich. And I believe in my sidearm.
— Andrew
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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