A thread not about casting

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The Silvertiger
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by The Silvertiger »

So to put this in simple English:
On OSI at */5 you don't recover your spell.
On OSI at */6 you recover, but the spell drops due to overcasting.
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Duque »

Alvin wrote:
Duque wrote:crying again......the server is more than the 10 forum active members with an endless complaining claim (i know more demise players that don't like OSI casting than OSI fans)......that supposed accusation could be used for OSI fanboys too....but i think it's more like bad loser stuff.
And i know more people in favor of the OSI casting than the Demise one hehe. You, with all due respect, might be one of the very few people i know who actively play (and played) the server and support the old casting.

I dare to say that the people who want to keep the OSI casting are people who actually play UODemise, while the other side are the people who pretend to have quitted because of the change (sorry but thats bullcrap), people who log in only to run some macros, people who play some other game/server whole week just to log in with other 30 people like them to gang normal players on an event/raid for 5 minutes and then log out.

So far the people 'crying' were the ones badly refusing to make progress and learn how to play with the new casting. And literally non of them made any serious arguments why should the Demise casting be brought back... Except for maybe Kobra, who seems to have a simple, but valid, reason why he votes for it - 'he wants to cast faster on spawns'.
Old Demise casting = Arcade casting...yes
OSI casting = more pure casting yes

You know i don't play mage on pvp i play with archer....and now archer are stronger and in general is easier hunt them, so in theory i should be happy with this change....but let see some pvp points that make me against this casting:

Universal law: "The people in general don't want to die, always will choose easy way instead of hard way"

-Its true that this casting demand more domain of mage skill.....now you can see who is really good using mages....people who depend more from macros than their skill are portrayed....Anyway macros can be also ajusted to OSI casting so macros will be there always but will have less influence in game thats true......so in this point you are losing people who don't like the casting or are lazy to try to learn in OSI one.

-As i say in general the people don't like to die, and after two or three rounds lose dissapear from combat.....now the combats are shorter (mages can not stand fight in time like in the past), so pvp end faster.

-With this casting numbers put in field are much more decisive and is really easy to gank.....will old 'arcade' casting was more easy stand combat outnumbered.....so the people in general if see theirself outnumbered don't go out or log off.....or open a blue/hidder to do the "idiot" (play to the cat and rat) in brit with bunckers and guards zone, maybe i am wrong but that for me is not pvp....

-Champs in T2A and felluca dead ---> less pvp.....i stopped to check altars after boring to don't see activity (only Maya still doing champs frecuently).

-With this casting i don't see new templates....i only see archers, hidders and parrying mages.

-I don't see new faces with changes, and i see less pvp i mean: in the past you can find pvp in a bigger range of time....now is focused in certain times and with big groups.

PVM reasons:

-You know i liked to do champs alone or with mates (really don't have any need to do it but i liked)....now also is possible to do champs alone or with mates, but are terrible boring and longer, you are more tme healing your self than killling mobs....now T2A and dungeon activity is desert, only coon in despise keep a little activity.....so this casting killed pvm in felluca. Maybe the people go to do champ in trammel don't know, without ps less motivation to do there. So like Kobra i hate this casting to do one thing i liked ---> champs

-Also i see much less activity in dreadhorn...cu have lose value so there isn't the tipical 'fights' in dh to keep the control of cu areas (also take in consideration the hit in the economy...a lot of peope used cu like way to make money).....cu stuff i don't care i was always taking keys and doing the peerless but in the past i should wait for my turn to make it....now is really difficult to see anyone don't it.....didn't see activity in other peerless but dh is almost dead too. (yeah this point is not about casting but cu change has help to kill this area)

Demise has always get a really strong pvm community and a decent pvp (sometimes higher activity and other less but you can find always pvp)....so in my opinion OSI casting has killed pvm community....Demise has always had his own personality and that old 'arcade' casting was one of their pillar.....is easy if i like OSi casting why don't go to OSI?¿

Anyway the engine of this server are the GMs also the player, but they are people who spend their free time to keep this open....since i started in this server (949 days ago) i always have felt that we have a great GMs and i keep in my idea, they are my heros standing with all this endless complains from both sides (also for the time spent in implant OSI casting and try to accuracy it). I am against this casting i will keep playing independently which way will decide the GMs.....i am also surprise of the big number of OSI player than want to keep OSI casting as i said i know much more people against it than in favor.....so the any decision that will be take from GMs will be difficult.....but after listening player and both sides they should take a decision and do what is better for the server...anyway will take time to recover the activity with OSI casting or Old Demise casting.
Last edited by Duque on June 11th, 2019, 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Bad Religion
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Bad Religion »

Duque wrote:
Alvin wrote:
Duque wrote:crying again......the server is more than the 10 forum active members with an endless complaining claim (i know more demise players that don't like OSI casting than OSI fans)......that supposed accusation could be used for OSI fanboys too....but i think it's more like bad loser stuff.
And i know more people in favor of the OSI casting than the Demise one hehe. You, with all due respect, might be one of the very few people i know who actively play (and played) the server and support the old casting.

I dare to say that the people who want to keep the OSI casting are people who actually play UODemise, while the other side are the people who pretend to have quitted because of the change (sorry but thats bullcrap), people who log in only to run some macros, people who play some other game/server whole week just to log in with other 30 people like them to gang normal players on an event/raid for 5 minutes and then log out.

So far the people 'crying' were the ones badly refusing to make progress and learn how to play with the new casting. And literally non of them made any serious arguments why should the Demise casting be brought back... Except for maybe Kobra, who seems to have a simple, but valid, reason why he votes for it - 'he wants to cast faster on spawns'.
Old Demise casting = Arcade casting...yes
OSI casting = more pure casting yes

You know i don't play mage on pvp i play with archer....and now archer are stronger and in general is easier hunt them, so in heory i should be happy with this change....but let see some pvp points were i am against this casting:

Universal law: "The people in general don't want to die, always will choose easy way instead of hard way"

-Its true that this casting demand more domain of mage skill.....now you can see who is really good using mages....people who depend more from macros than their our skill are portrayed....Anyway macros can be also ajusted to OSI casting so macros will be there always but will have less influence in game thats true......so in this point you are losing people who don't like the casting or are lay to try to learn in OSI one.

-As i say in general the people don't like to die, and after two or three round lose dissapear from combat.....now the combats are shorter (mages can not stand fight in time like in the past), so pvp end faster.

-With this casting numbers put in field are much more decisive and is really easy to gank.....will old 'arcade' casting was more easy stand combat outnumbered.....so the people in general if see theirself outnumbered don't go out or log off.....or open a blue/hidder to do the "idiot" (play to the cat and rat) in brit with bunckers and guards zone, maybe i am wrong but that for me is not pvp....

-Champs in T2A and felluca dead ---> less people.....i stopped to check altars after boring to don't see activity.

-With this casting i don't see new templates....i only see archers, hidders and parrying mages.

-I don't see new faces with changes, and i see less pvp i mean: in the past you can find pvp in a bigger range of time....now is focused in certain times and with big groups.

PVM reasons:

-You know i liked to do champs alone or with mates (really don't have any need to do it but i liked)....now also is possible to do champs alone or with mates, but are terrible boring and longer, you are more tme healing your self than killling mobs....now T2A and dungeon activity is desert, only coon in despise keep a little activity.....so this casting killed pvm in felluca. Maybe the people go to do champ in trammel don't know, without ps less motivation to do there. So like Kobra i hate this casting to do one thing i liked ---> champs

-Also i see much less activity in dreadhorn...cu have lose value so there isn't the tipical 'fights' in dh to keep the control of cu areas (also take in consideration the hit in the economy...a lot of peope used cu like way to make money).....cu stuff i don't care i was always taking keys and doing the peerless but in the past i should wait for my turn to make it....now is really difficult to see anyone don't it.....didn't see activity in other peerless but dh is almost dead too. (yeah this point is not about casting but cu change has help to kill this area)

Demise has always get a really strong pvm community and a decent pvp (sometimes higher activity and other less but you can find always pvp)....so in my opinion OSI casting has killed pvm community....Demise has always had his own personality and that old 'arcade' casting was one of their pillar.....is easy if i like OSi casting why don't go to OSI?¿

Anyway the engine of this server are the GMs also the player, but they are people who spend their free time to keep this open....since i started in this server (949 days ago) i always have felt that we have a great GMs and i keep in my idea, they are my heros standing with all this endless complains from both sides (also for the time spent in implant OSI casting and try to accuracy it). I am against this casting i will keep playing independently which way will decide the GMs.....i am also surprise of the big number of OSI player than want to keep OSI casting as i said i know much more people against it than in favor.....so the any decision that will be take from GMs will be difficult.....but after listening player and both sides they should take a decision and do what is better for the server...anyway will take time to recover the activity with OSI casting or Old Demise casting.
what difference does it make to you if you admittedly only play an archer? the best mages on the server want the change despite it being a supposed nerf.

...and to your main point: that's the idea YOU SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO SURVIVE ON FOOT FOR FIVE MINUTES 1v5 JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE ALCHEMY HEALING MED AND AN UNKILLABLE MOUNT. It should require some amount of skill or outplay, not just your script running and you standing near broken pet.
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Bad Religion
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Bad Religion »

The Silvertiger wrote:
Alvin wrote:"he wants to cast faster on spawns'.
I actually voted no due this. To quote myself "I'm a lazy spawner." Love it for dueling, but can't stand it for spawning. May have voted yes, if I were in a pvp guild not getting ganked by every guild on the server playing together.
so join a guild? complain about getting ganked but you think that didnt happen before? the casting has nothing to do with who decides to attack you.
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royal kapero2
Posts: 1081

Re: A thread not about casting

Post by royal kapero2 »

Old casting is the invitation for people who mindlessly want to hold a miniheal button, but what's the point if another person does the same. It's abusive and the only thing that counters it effectively, is a massive mortal spam.
Teleports + throwing a bola gives a successful chase, even If the enemy is a few screens away.
Miniheal vs. melee, melee is not capable to outdamage scripts that heal 50 hp per sec. The only special that competed with that was frenzied whirlwind and it was fixed.
If old casting was good, people would shout we want it back for our endless mage duels, MA+FB vs. miniheal.

Right now we are semi-successful, this new casting still requires some rework but it's better than old one. April was the most intense month for the server, now we have June and some people dare to connect the population drop with new casting. The truth is other fixes didn't come simultaneously and the new casting needs a rework. People who criticize the new casting, do not know what's going on server because they simply don't PvP.

Duque, no offense, but when I look from your view, you are only strong when strong mages assist you. I don't think you are capable of playing an archer, so saying that new casting boosts you, is an overuse. The only kills you ever had were when other mages teleported and threw bolas, so you could spam your special abilities. I am not saying you are stupid, but I hardly find any healthy reason to bring back the old casting from your words. And saying Demise has its unique style, it's a lie. There was no UOsteam and hardly any people used solid macros in the past, so it had many unique styles for particular years. This unique time will belong to the new casting and other fixes that will surely charm players from other servers when they watch Demisian videos.

As to silvertiger, he is a known, dedicated player and when you ask him: How to play UO?
All his steps are involved here:

1. Don't play UO at all.
2. Give suggestions, even If they listen to you and add it, don't play.
3. Stalk players on forums, and talk about anything that does not include you.
4. Join every possible discord chat and do the same as above.
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Bad Religion
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Bad Religion »

Players like network and the rest of china rely sole on their broken pets, speedhacking, and broken mechanics for pvp. Sure, some of them can "pure mage duel"(even though several admit to using scripts to do so) and are actually decent, but why should someone using 0 thought just press play in steam and kill someone by running close to them? it doesnt matter what decision eos makes. If she chooses to revert casting, it will be shit and no one will pvp. If she decides to keep osi casting, it will never satisfy people looking for an excuse to quit or complain. So fuck it.

I begged for years for trap crates and mounts to be osi accurate. An hour or less of attention by a competent coder could fix those easily, but have been ignored for years and years. If eos cant even grasp how vital those mechanics are and were to the game during this era, then it doesnt matter what changes happen to casting because server is doomed; as any 20 year old game but with accelerated pace.

Eos you understand people run attack scripts that wont shoot arrows at a paralyzed target, wont mortal if target is already mortaled, constantly keeps them alive at the most efficient rate, and rely on virtually 0 outplay or timing to be the strongest template in the game? If you understand this and still refuse to easily change things that affect them, then you can never understand why a bigger issue like osi casting should be a thing.
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Bad Religion
Posts: 2597

Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Bad Religion »

royal kapero2 wrote:Old casting is the invitation for people who mindlessly want to hold a miniheal button, but what's the point if another person does the same. It's abusive and the only thing that counters it effectively, is a massive mortal spam.
Teleports + throwing a bola gives a successful chase, even If the enemy is a few screens away.
Miniheal vs. melee, melee is not capable to outdamage scripts that heal 50 hp per sec. The only special that competed with that was frenzied whirlwind and it was fixed.
If old casting was good, people would shout we want it back for our endless mage duels, MA+FB vs. miniheal.

Right now we are semi-successful, this new casting still requires some rework but it's better than old one. April was the most intense month for the server, now we have June and some people dare to connect the population drop with new casting. The truth is other fixes didn't come simultaneously and the new casting needs a rework. People who criticize the new casting, do not know what's going on server because they simply don't PvP.

Duque, no offense, but when I look from your view, you are only strong when strong mages assist you. I don't think you are capable of playing an archer, so saying that new casting boosts you, is an overuse. The only kills you ever had were when other mages teleported and threw bolas, so you could spam your special abilities. I am not saying you are stupid, but I hardly find any healthy reason to bring back the old casting from your words. And saying Demise has its unique style, it's a lie. There was no UOsteam and hardly any people used solid macros in the past, so it had many unique styles for particular years. This unique time will belong to the new casting and other fixes that will surely charm players from other servers when they watch Demisian videos.

As to silvertiger, he is a known, dedicated player and when you ask him: How to play UO?
All his steps are involved here:

1. Don't play UO at all.
2. Give suggestions, even If they listen to you and add it, don't play.
3. Stalk players on forums, and talk about anything that does not include you.
4. Join every possible discord chat and do the same as above.
duque runs the same script every other trash pussy archer runs minus chad reed.

silvertiger at least tries to be unbiased and will listen if you talk to him.
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royal kapero2
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by royal kapero2 »

Anyway If they add back the old casting, I am going to make a good template, it is going to be an archer that shots per 2 seconds and it teleports with 2/6 to run faster than people on mounts. I never used it because I believed the changes would come. But please, I don't wanna Hzs coming forums again, they cried over moving shot, why they won't cry about moving shot with triple damage?
Last edited by royal kapero2 on June 11th, 2019, 12:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Bad Religion
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Bad Religion »

It's up to eos to decide if she wants the players on this server to be the most skilled and knowledgeable, or the best programmers.
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Bad Religion
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Bad Religion »

royal kapero2 wrote:Anyway If they add back the old casting, I am going to make a good template, it is going to be an archer that shots per 2 seconds and it teleports with 2/6 to run faster than people on mounts. I never used it because I believed the changes would come. But please, I don't wanna Hzs coming forums again, they cried over moving shot, why they won't cry about moving shot with triple damage?

oh hz? you mean the guild ran by a server gm actively enforcing his guild to abuse a known exploit like wildfire while never reporting it or trying to get it fixed? dang, we are just so ignorant like Dom said.
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Duque »

royal kapero2 wrote:Old casting is the invitation for people who mindlessly want to hold a miniheal button, but what's the point if another person does the same. It's abusive and the only thing that counters it effectively, is a massive mortal spam.
Teleports + throwing a bola gives a successful chase, even If the enemy is a few screens away.
Miniheal vs. melee, melee is not capable to outdamage scripts that heal 50 hp per sec. The only special that competed with that was frenzied whirlwind and it was fixed.
If old casting was good, people would shout we want it back for our endless mage duels, MA+FB vs. miniheal.

Right now we are semi-successful, this new casting still requires some rework but it's better than old one. April was the most intense month for the server, now we have June and some people dare to connect the population drop with new casting. The truth is other fixes didn't come simultaneously and the new casting needs a rework. People who criticize the new casting, do not know what's going on server because they simply don't PvP.

Duque, no offense, but when I look from your view, you are only strong when strong mages assist you. I don't think you are capable of playing an archer, so saying that new casting boosts you, is an overuse. The only kills you ever had were when other mages teleported and threw bolas, so you could spam your special abilities. I am not saying you are stupid, but I hardly find any healthy reason to bring back the old casting from your words. And saying Demise has its unique style, it's a lie. There was no UOsteam and hardly any people used solid macros in the past, so it had many unique styles for particular years. This unique time will belong to the new casting and other fixes that will surely charm players from other servers when they watch Demisian videos.

As to silvertiger, he is a known, dedicated player and when you ask him: How to play UO?
All his steps are involved here:

1. Don't play UO at all.
2. Give suggestions, even If they listen to you and add it, don't play.
3. Stalk players on forums, and talk about anything that does not include you.
4. Join every possible discord chat and do the same as above.
i have ever said i am a pro pvp?¿....i don't like pvp in brit, only go there when mates ask for help, for me Brit in general is a running field....i feel more confortable fighting in T2A and in dungeon (no guards no buncker) when a raid is need....so we can say that i avoid useless fight...My skill well is what it is (some people will think is good other that is low non important in this issue we are talking) i go raid alone or in group and i win and lose raids alone or in group....i am stronger with mages supporting me who is not?¿....and remember one thing all point of view are important pure pvp players are people who are usually full equipped and only log to find pvp in their free time....but there is a lot of much more kind of player which that casting affect their way to play.

Also there are strong mages that are agree with my point of view point per point and that are much better player than you and the 90% of player in this server in pvp :) no need to tell name and you could imagine some.
Last edited by Duque on June 11th, 2019, 12:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Los que no aprenden de la historia estan condenados a repetirla"
"Who don't learn from history is condemn to repeat it"

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Bad Religion
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Bad Religion »

I'm not just shitting on the server out of malice. Between myself, josh, and kapero we have done more to advertise and bring new players here more than anyone in recent years via youtube videos, reddit posts, uogateway votes, word of mouth, etc. We can work around the state of the economy by helping new players, but can never explain why everyone is riding cus or using only scripts to pvp.
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royal kapero2
Posts: 1081

Re: A thread not about casting

Post by royal kapero2 »

Bad Religion wrote:oh hz? you mean the guild ran by a server gm actively enforcing his guild to abuse a known exploit like wildfire while never reporting it or trying to get it fixed? dang, we are just so ignorant like Dom said.
He seperated those two roles so well, he forgot to report a few things. That's his bad.
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Bad Religion
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Bad Religion »

Duque wrote:
royal kapero2 wrote:Old casting is the invitation for people who mindlessly want to hold a miniheal button, but what's the point if another person does the same. It's abusive and the only thing that counters it effectively, is a massive mortal spam.
Teleports + throwing a bola gives a successful chase, even If the enemy is a few screens away.
Miniheal vs. melee, melee is not capable to outdamage scripts that heal 50 hp per sec. The only special that competed with that was frenzied whirlwind and it was fixed.
If old casting was good, people would shout we want it back for our endless mage duels, MA+FB vs. miniheal.

Right now we are semi-successful, this new casting still requires some rework but it's better than old one. April was the most intense month for the server, now we have June and some people dare to connect the population drop with new casting. The truth is other fixes didn't come simultaneously and the new casting needs a rework. People who criticize the new casting, do not know what's going on server because they simply don't PvP.

Duque, no offense, but when I look from your view, you are only strong when strong mages assist you. I don't think you are capable of playing an archer, so saying that new casting boosts you, is an overuse. The only kills you ever had were when other mages teleported and threw bolas, so you could spam your special abilities. I am not saying you are stupid, but I hardly find any healthy reason to bring back the old casting from your words. And saying Demise has its unique style, it's a lie. There was no UOsteam and hardly any people used solid macros in the past, so it had many unique styles for particular years. This unique time will belong to the new casting and other fixes that will surely charm players from other servers when they watch Demisian videos.

As to silvertiger, he is a known, dedicated player and when you ask him: How to play UO?
All his steps are involved here:

1. Don't play UO at all.
2. Give suggestions, even If they listen to you and add it, don't play.
3. Stalk players on forums, and talk about anything that does not include you.
4. Join every possible discord chat and do the same as above.
i have ever said i am a pro pvp?¿....i don't like pvp in brit, only go there when mates ask for help, for me Brit in general is a running field....i feel more confortable fighting in T2A and in dungeon (no guards no buncker) when a raid is need....so we can say that i avoid useless fight...My skill well is what it is (some people will thing is good other that is low non important in this issue we are talking) i go raid alone or in group and i win and lose raids alone or in group....i am stronger with mages supporting me who is not?¿....and remember one thing all point of view are important pure pvp players are people who are usually full equipped and only log to find pvp in their free time....but there is a lot of much more kind of player which that casting affect their way to play.

Also there are strong mages that are agree with my point of view point per point and that there much better player than you and the 90% of player in this server in pvp :)
you should enjoy playing the game the way you want to as it is a game after all. If playing an archer running a script and riding an op tamable to discourage/survive dismounts is how you want to play that is your choice. Any change should keep the entire playerbase in mind, not just the skilled players.
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Bad Religion
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Bad Religion »

royal kapero2 wrote:
Bad Religion wrote:oh hz? you mean the guild ran by a server gm actively enforcing his guild to abuse a known exploit like wildfire while never reporting it or trying to get it fixed? dang, we are just so ignorant like Dom said.
He seperated those two roles so well, he forgot to report a few things. That's his bad.
must have been nice to be in a guild with a gm that had(has?) a huge say in mechanics choosing winning simple fights over fair and balanced pvp.
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