Stay safe - stay home!

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Re: Stay safe - stay home!

Post by Bama »

Again I get my information right from the person who said it
Excorsion wrote: March 27th, 2020, 2:38 pm
as to why i pointed out CNN and the times... they are real big on spreading panic with misinformation. you can't really take anything that is said on those networks as the facts.
Trump 6/16: They’ve come up with the AIDS vaccine

Trump 3/6: I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors said, "How do you know so much about this?" Maybe I have a natural ability...

I Love this White House and the Administration and his buddies
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Re: Stay safe - stay home!

Post by Calvin »

>the first 3 mins

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Re: Stay safe - stay home!

Post by Woodnote »

A lot of my time I spend on public transport. It is really annoying how many people still don't wear masks :(
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Re: Stay safe - stay home!

Post by Calvin »

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Re: Stay safe - stay home!

Post by Calvin »

in all seriousness... there may actually be a civil war..

"Sometimes It Is Better To Let Your Enemies Destroy Themselves
Leave your enemy an escape route. A retreat is the ultimate demoralizing defeat.Let them be the agents of their own destruction. The result will be the same.
The risk of crushing an enemy is you embitter them so much so that they spend years and years plotting revenge. Do not let your guard down, but simply crush them again."

... okay that's not the right quote... who has misunderstood the art of war..
whatever this is: ... y-totally/

the actual one is you leave them an escape route so they think there is hope, and avoid them fighting with the courage of desperation, you dont want to fight an enemy that has a "win or die" mindset.
you want them thinking "win or run away!" but you wait for them on the escape route... funny they have misunderstood it..

but the point anyway, is that they're not giving the trump people any hope of a fair election... which means they have nothing to lose...

(it's funny actually cos, remember pandora's box..? and all the evils of the world get released? with hope left inside? well the greeks didn't actually think hope was a good thing... there's a reason it's in the box of evils.. it's just the one we get to keep.)

I think the lockdown has driven everyone crazy. cos they were creatures of routine... and it broke the routine. as a result these are extremely volatile times... then the election is coming up... honestly... if you're american, stock up on some tinned food and make sure you have a gun..

would love to post the video from the meeting they have just after trump gets elected, where they are saying like "how did this happen" "we need to do more" etc.. as if their job is to manage the will of the people... but unsurprisingly it's been scrubbed from the internet :/
at the time it was a curiosity.... now it's sedition.

there's a few news stories like that... you have to read them within a day or 2 of them coming out, cos they just disappear after that...
does anyone remember youtube being like 10s of 1000s of comments? and twitter posts having like 100k+ likes.... now they are all like 100 comments, and 20 likes. why do you think that is?

i dont think people realize how censored things are... we are literally getting maybe 10% of the content, comments, and likes... the approved ones. thats why they think everyone is on their side, and it's just a few people disagreeing with them.. 90% of people disagree with them... it's actually very hard to find them... they are on those platforms (you can probably see why im not now lol), but you never meet them anywhere else, on anything... not on any games, not in real life... seriously, i look for them!
just to talk some sense into them...


oh i guess that quote is saying dont destroy them completely... that's just silly.
let them go and keep your guard up 24/7... pfft.. well you're not gonna be winning any wars... :lol:
you guys have no idea how hard it is to get stronghold to a point where you can just sit, and not worry about being attacked.
dont start that game cos it's a nightmare to learn.. but at the top level.. when you have plenty of cards from previous games, it's a masterpiece of tactics, strategy, and diplomacy.
you can lose like a year of work in one morning... you have to play the metagame, and much like real life, everyone maintains the status quo. you can never attack 1 person, because that person has a lord, and vassals, and a house, and holds land, which allows higher ups to hold land... it's all interconnected. if anyone fucks with any of it, everyone gets pissed off.
it's all set up so well now, that i dont even have to log in ^.^
im only a discord msg away anyway...
proper wars on that game are absolutely nuts...
but we have ripped up players root and stem, and removed them completely from the server... otherwise they'll come back.
it's not harsh, cos they just play another world. you have to start on day 1-10 really or you'll always be too far behind.

sorry, got a bit carried away :P

but yeah, corona virus > crazy people > overt propaganda > fixed election > civil war...
just, be prepared.

they seem to think all our systems are designed to oppress them... they're literally designed to stop wars from occurring....
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Re: Stay safe - stay home!

Post by Calvin »

im not even gonna watch it.. i know what he's gonna say... i'll watch it later..

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Re: Stay safe - stay home!

Post by Calvin »

im 4 days late watching this but like.. wow okay.. is Trump playing Demise? :S

i would call that good news...

(to be fair tho, that lincoln statue is a bit fked up)
(the puritans have basically decided america is not pure enough so it has to go :lol: )
(they believe their own bullshit.. and they're fanatics. they aint keepin it real ;P )

i never used to like Carl, to be honest... i could see he was tryin, but often a bit petty. he's been reading up tho this last 5 or so years, and he's actually gotten a lot better..

america is definitely not perfect.. but it's not *that* bad.

10:00 - see im not sure they do know Carl... bloody.. capitalist... :|

i dunno, maybe people aren't dumb, there's defo a lot of smart people around.. maybe just need to be exposed to more stuff, like history and different ideas/ways of thinking
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Re: Stay safe - stay home!

Post by Calvin »

i blame the watchmen tv series...

"The justices decided 5-4 that an eastern chunk of the state, including its second-biggest city, Tulsa, should be recognised as part of a reservation."

the united states may not be all that united for very much longer..

this is gonna be segregation instead of integration, then you'll get competition. then you'll get...

so yeah... tinned food guys...
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Re: Stay safe - stay home!

Post by Calvin »

like, i dont mean to be a dick.. but i highly recommend you listen to this :lol:

specifically the parts about other humans, not so much the parts about zombies lol

and maybe watch z nation. damn man, im kinda jelly, apocalypses look fun.

a tv cultured apocalypse is gonna be epic and hilarious.

okay, sorry, it's really not funny...

suppose ya might be alright.. native americans might 'play ball', so to speak. if they wanna be independent and stuff tho then you're gonna have problems down the line... if people even accept the ruling.. pfft..
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Re: Stay safe - stay home!

Post by Known Aim »

If I had the chance I would already go to some exotic place like the Arctic or the like :) sick and tired of sitting at home. I wouldn't head off to some crowded places like Egypt or California. I don't like sunny weather ;) I would test my organism's strength and go to the North Pole to see local wildlife and renew my Instagram feed with unique photos. Poseidon expeditions offer great value for money so I guess I would choose them to arrange my trip :coffee:
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Re: Stay safe - stay home!

Post by Calvin »

Known Aim wrote: January 17th, 2021, 7:00 pmto the North Pole to see local wildlife
you could just buy a penguin to sit home with you..?
same effect but better heating.
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Re: Stay safe - stay home!

Post by Calvin »

lol check it out, the white house e-mailed me?


okay joe... good to know... i guess?

(why have you got my email address?)

did everyone get one?
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Re: Stay safe - stay home!

Post by Calvin »

lol err..

"That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures."

"They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it."


"in order to ensure that democracy in America endures."

i dont think this thread's title has anything to do with the pandemic :lol:


nevermind ehy

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Re: Stay safe - stay home!

Post by Facko »

Dunno what's gonna be worse... rubbing our faces in it, or the acceptance of it.
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Re: Stay safe - stay home!

Post by Calvin »

could be a lot worse than that...

really not that far off these realities right now.
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