What other games are you guys currently playing?

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Re: What other games are you guys currently playing?

Post by Calvin »

tbh... it does look like we finally have a good spiritual successor to Ultima Online.
personally im too old for learning a new mmo.. they're too vast and time consuming.
im glad i played the ones i did when i did tho, and im happy to have UO here as a place for nostalgia and reminiscing about simpler times with friends.

see what i would like to see, is some more modern games content, in the UO engine. fun new gameplay with the familiar engine.
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Re: What other games are you guys currently playing?

Post by Calvin »

i got bored of levelling, so i sorta took over the auction house :P


there's only about 4000 auctions.. i have like 200 up usually.. so i control 5% of the trade? :P
you guys complain about my prices, but honestly it helps the economy a lot... ofc course i make a bit of profits ;P

someone had a go at me for selling a memorial flower for a guy that died.. trade's trade bro. im british i dont gif a fk, you wanna sell it? you wanna buy it? im gonna makes some moneys :P

bit poor at the moment.. but just bought my last max slot bag. everything else already maxed, so everything still on the AH is pocket money :P
10s in the bank. this is why i never have cash on UO.. that stuff was all supposed to be for sale...

making a killing on schematics, people are so lazy. like i bought one for 10 silver and flipped it in 3 hours for 10 gold :lol:
trading is a lot of fun :)
the economy is bat-shit crazy, it's so easy to profit on.
im level 26 and i have all max slot bags, maxed professions, and almost full blue gear :D
pants and other ring are from quests, head and back from 240 eng

im always trollin the trolls lol


it pretty much is tho... if you take the really lame sexist view of men/women.
women create, men destroy :roll:
half the crazy people in the world are women...

saying that is not sexist, it's literally the opposite of sexist..
no shit we are living 1984..

intersectionality is not individualism, it's the opposite, it's benevolent discrimination. but it's still tribalism.
it's just mental that they made intersectionality as a way for tribalism to make sense in the modern world..
"oh you dont exactly fit a stereotype? well that's because you belong to *many* tribes, and are actually more than 1 stereotype" :?

talk about missing the fking point entirely...

right, lemme explain the irony of it tho as well, cos it's self defeating, as these things always are.
lets say i have 2 black people, whats the difference, well 1 is gay.
so now i have 2 gay black people, what's the difference? well one is poor.
okay so now i have 2 gay, poor black people, what's the difference? well one is smart.
okay, so now i have 2 gay, poor, smart, black people... what's the difference?.... etc etc etc

it's an infinite regress, to finer and finer detail. at which point, you just have an individual.
and then you go "hey, lets get all the individuals who are similar in this way, and call them X"..... :lol:

it's sooooo fking ironic, it's like the definition of irony. cos these people that complain about being defined by their X, dont understand that they're not, and they're actually fighting the people that believe the very thing, they want to believe, but dont understand. it's amazing.

it's morality eating itself... it's the puritans.
there is hardly anyone that is actually racist or sexist in the way they think these days.
well... until they created it.. with their belief O.o trippy


you've gotta give em a couple of lame yo momma's first, then you hit em with a proper one, and they cant tell if you did it on purpose or not :lol:

:lol: :popcorn:

probably a good thing this is low population time
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Re: What other games are you guys currently playing?

Post by Calvin »

i kinda miss playing mage :/
bit bored of wow now tho tbh...



it's only actually original until around level 20, then it's just all the same stuff repeated.
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Re: What other games are you guys currently playing?

Post by Calvin »

found a video i made when i was 14 xD

i think my editing skills needed some work :lol:


i think i just wanted to show people that you didn't need to camp... i never had a lot of patience in them days tho, pretty sure i just recorded it all in 1 night. CS 1.4?

it's got a 20 second intro :lol:
it's so the music fits.

see, what most people dont get about the best players, is anyone can make a video like that, you just record a lot of footage and cherry pick.
it's not what i did. but it's what the super impressive videos are. everyone makes 1 in a million shots once in a while.

some of it is a bit dodgy that. see, you can actually get aimbots which only trigger when you right click, so you aim 95%, right click then left click, and it's a headshot. it's practically undetectable if you get a good person using an aimbot. i had one for like a week just for the lolz to test it. someone was speccing me and ended up concluding i was "god of scout". i was cheating :lol:

"i can dance all day, i can dance all day" xD
i used to let them empty the gun, then walk up to them while they were reloading and just double tap them in the head at point blank :lol:

used to play James Bond as well, just walk everywhere with a silenced usp, creep up on people and double tap ^.^
and i would always knife any good players :D
cos you cant do shit when you're double flashbanged, i dont care how good you are :P
you use the first to set up the second, then they're all yours.

anyone fancy playin Source? :D
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Re: What other games are you guys currently playing?

Post by Facko »

Got dead rising 1,2 and off the record for 15 bucks on my ps4. Been replaying the hell out of the first one. Good shit.
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Re: What other games are you guys currently playing?

Post by Calvin »

i never played that much actually :(
was too much into pc gaming by then.. played a lot of PS2, but after that i was hardcore online..

what about that other zombie one... with the free running.. that was really good.. not day z.. not left for dead... Dying Light. that's the one. that was a really good game, and multiplayer...

if people wanna play that tho, will have to get Hamachi or something and make a virtual VPN cos i pirated it, and i dont fancy buying an old game.. i think i have Dead Island on steam.. could play that?
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Re: What other games are you guys currently playing?

Post by fluffhead321 »

anyone play for honor or mk11?
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Re: What other games are you guys currently playing?

Post by Calvin »

this is an absolutely fantastic game:

i've got Chivalry on steam as well, could play that.. not For Honor though.. so many games these days..

oh there's a second one coming out...

there's a new paradox game as well....

suppose i could get that...

if you liked Age of Empires, there's kinda a spiritual successor on steam called War Selection, up to 40 players on a map i think.
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Re: What other games are you guys currently playing?

Post by Facko »

You can get dead rising on pc nowadays. Think it's on steam. But it's literally the only zombie game I can stand. It's like they turned a Romero movie into a game and translated the insanity of the group dynamic in those movies into gameplay mechanics. It's great.
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Re: What other games are you guys currently playing?

Post by Calvin »

Romero zombies are the only real zombies ^.^
i hated those rage zombies and shit they made in the 2000s... like 28 days later and the remake of dawn of the dead. works for Dying Light tho.

tell ya what actually, i have made more friends on Dont Starve Together, than i did in any other game for the last like... 10 years. it's a really, really good game. i've just played it to death :P

might torrent dead rising actually... hmmm.. that's actually not a bad idea.
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Known Aim
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Re: What other games are you guys currently playing?

Post by Known Aim »

Switched back to WoW at the moment 8-) Back to basics so to say :)
WoW was the first game I got addicted to and still after over 5 yrs from my first play I keep sticking to it! From time to time I can play something else for a change but always return to WoW. Been through many other MMORPGs though and I can safely say WoW is the one to rule them all. Nothing I played over these years can even come close.

It is a lot harder now indeed though. No more 1-shooting mobs and you can really fall behind if you don't queue up for dungeons.
The progression now feels really challenging but also comes with a good sense of accomplishment. If some really hard missions happen I use this service https://skycoach.gg/wow-boost/raids Hope it will help you as well :D
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Re: What other games are you guys currently playing?

Post by Calvin »

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Re: What other games are you guys currently playing?

Post by Woodnote »

Try to get accustomed to CS GO gameplay. Usually I play World of Warcraft, that is my computer game #1. Moreover it is quite normal for me to hire gamers if I experience some difficulties with particular missions. Btw, here is the most dependable boosting marketplace on the web https://overgear.com/games/wow-classic. They offer a lot of important options not available on other services (like their own arbitrage system).
Last edited by Woodnote on October 15th, 2020, 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What other games are you guys currently playing?

Post by Calvin »

i hate CS go, it's just Source but with like this on top:

i honestly dont see why they made GO, Source is still more expensive. GO is just for micro-transactions and console..
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Dr Dark
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Re: What other games are you guys currently playing?

Post by Dr Dark »

An alcoholic villain with the ability to manipulate the darkforce. :twisted:
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