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Re: Really?

Post by Calvin »

kentares wrote: May 22nd, 2020, 4:23 am
Bama wrote: May 22nd, 2020, 2:30 am Cost of ending homelessness in America: $11 billion

Cost of ending hunger in America: $25 billion
American Military Budget:
$686.1 billion
The approved 2019 Department of Defense discretionary budget is $686.1 billion. It has also been described as "$617 billion for the base budget and another $69 billion for war funding."

im trying to remember who the comedian is that was on about it, saying it's all about priorities, and how they always say they've not got enough money for x, y, or z; but they'll never say they've not got enough money to bomb someone.

a big part of the problem is that the people making the rules also sell the guns..

... that's probably why they make the rules...
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Re: Really?

Post by Calvin »

was just having a look at that GDC page i linked; picked a video to check out, and lol, he brings up UO after 2 minutes ^.^

this is what im saying, these people know UO. if you said you ran an Ultima Online community for like 15 years they'll be super interested.

you've gotta love that a shard is called a shard, because of UO, because it's a shard of the crystal of mondaine ^.^

but here's your factoid... Albion, is actually the true name of Britain.
it's the name the british gave it. britannia is the roman name for it.
england comes from Angle-land, the Angles being the Germans that invaded in about 450ad.
which is why england's royal family is really german. because the english are really german.

you can actually see the genetic differences.. in hair colour. the british are ginger. the germans dark haired, and the norse blonde.
i dont know why the british are ginger.. but it's probably the same reason our foxes and squirrels are red as well. maybe it's the iron in the ground.. (im 1/4 scottish, 1/4 irish, and 1/2 english btw)


just watched the video up to 15 mins so far, and holy shit it's so relevant lol
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Re: Really?

Post by Bama »

Since 2004, LeBron James has more career playoff points (6,911) than these ten teams:

Wizards: 6,586
Nets: 6,452
Magic: 6,413
76ers: 5,439
Bucks: 5,382
Pelicans: 4,073
Kings: 2,237
Knicks: 2,176
Timberwolves: 2,163
Hornets: 1,342
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Re: Really?

Post by Bama »

Pablo Picasso's full name is:

Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso.
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Re: Really?

Post by Bama »

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Re: Really?

Post by Bama »

I guess Kaepernick didn’t get the memo on the different ways to kneel in protest of police brutality.
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.....silly man doing it during the anthem
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Re: Really?

Post by Bama »

There's a member of the X-Men named ForgetMeNot.

His power is that nobody can remember he exists; Professor X placed a psychic reminder in his own mind that forces him to remember ForgetMeNot's existence once an hour.
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Re: Really?

Post by Calvin »

eesh, dont go too far bama... shouldn't really leave that up
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Re: Really?

Post by Bama »

The genetic similarity between two humans – 99.9%

The genetic similarity between a human and a chimp – 96%

The genetic similarity between a human and a cat – 90%

The genetic similarity between a human and a dog – 84%

The genetic similarity between a human and a banana – 60%????
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Re: Really?

Post by Calvin »

Kaepernick is mixed race anyway...

im sure there's some dodgy foundations to the idea that it's "people of colour" and "white people"...
ironically it's actually the africans that are pure blooded. pure homosapien. which we are all 99.9% as you say, cos the homosapians conquered everything... lil throwing spears... running away... breeding loads...

but all im saying is that this belief that "white people" are some kinda pure blood line, and any tainting of it makes them a POC, is fucked.


denisovians are like the oriental/asian type. they only really discovered them in the last 15 years or something

it's funny cos we are better at being homosapiens than the homosapiens ;P
where do you think we got our proclivity to invade and take shit over from... neanderthals just fkin sat in caves with small families, sorta like bears.

racism barely even makes sense if you understand genetics a bit...
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Re: Really?

Post by Calvin »

the one that is really annoying is how much shit we get for slavery...

like people make out white people invented it cos they think less of black people..

it's total rubbish, the only place in europe that really had slavery was rome, in like 0AD, up until we landed in africa, where they had been doing it for thousands of years (look up the arab slave trade for example). and the british had like privatized industry.. so the east india company industrialized any exports anyone had to make a profit.... then we only did it for like 150 years, and abolished it, including in all the colonies we had, meaning the places that had been doing it for 1000s of years... and we never had any in britain at all.

we dont do slavery, because we do work. the feudal system and serfdom. it's really not our way, we imported the idea... as we did many things, and not for very long. i guess maybe because we had lived as second class citizens under the romans, the germans, the vikings, and the french - our poitical system is the result of numerous peasant revolts and civil wars. we sort of figured out that in the long run work is just a better way to do it.

see america has a very short history really.. it shouldn't be setting policy for the world.

america sorta like the mylie cyrus of countries.. kicked the parents out, made mistakes.

bit o' genocide.. bit o'slavery... good ol' resource rich nature reserves. be aight.

ya know i honestly wonder if we'd have gone full invasion if we knew what you were gonna do to the natives.. we could have. we chose jamaica instead -_-'
jamaica had bananas... remember me saying about bananas being evil...
cos all you had was fkin wood and beavers... all the gold and shit was in the south with the spanish.. who were busy raping the latin race into creation... urgh...
honestly, we are a good nation! we're the fkin good guys.

all we did really was build people trains and stuff... take things where they wanted to go... teach ya what we'd learned about not killing eachother.

that's the thing, we took stuff over.. but we did it in the belief we were ultimately making life better for people.
it cost us a lot. it's not fair to claim we raped and pillaged nations. the nations were fucked, we sorted them out. like yeah it wasn't perfect... but a hell of a lot better than like burning people for heresy and witchcraft, starving to death, or contracting some plague or another.

... cept the chinese and the opium wars, but they fucked with our tea! our only weakness!
we took that shit to india to stop it happening again anyway. good ol' india. smart to isolate islam by making pakistan and bangladesh
cool place, good history, would hate to see some cultist taking a hammer to it.
pakistan is harsh... it's literally an islamic state. that's literally why it was sectioned off from india. same with bangladesh, but i think that's a bit more chilled.

but it's because when the british pulled out of india and stopped managing it, the hindus and the muslims didn't want to live together, so we said we'd make the majority muslim parts a different country...... .... .... .... ........ ..... ..... ..... .... so they started killing eachother to make areas majority them... oops.. :o
we got the blame for that too...
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Re: Really?

Post by Calvin »

he got a new house :lol:

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Re: Really?

Post by Calvin »

the term "Kung-Fu", does not actually refer to a martial art.

it basically means 'what you do as an art'. it can be applied to anything that anyone does well.
your kung fu might be cooking, or dancing, or writing. anything which you practice to become excellent at.

so when people on games say like "hah! my kung-fu is greater!" they are actually using the term 100% legitimately.
it also means if you are pro at pretty much anything, you do actually know kung fu :lol:
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Re: Really?

Post by Calvin »

Charlie Manson, never actually killed anyone.

he's always held up as like the worst murderer ever, but the thing is....

in the army they shoot at targets to practice, and the targets are human shaped for a reason. you might think it's because it's a better target. but it's actually because people have a natural aversion to killing other people.. what they found was the majority of untrained militiamen, would actually shoot over the heads of their enemy to try and scare them away... shooting at the human shaped target, quite literally makes you into a killer.

Manson was not a killer... He was just fascinated by how malleable people are.. fascinated by the sorts of things he could make them do, and what really lies beneath.

He got a bunch of suburban middle class girls, to break into the house of Roman Polanski, and kill his pregnant wife (which probably has something to do with Polanski's lolita thing.. but that's another story).

Manson was not a killer. but those girls, had a killer inside them. that's what middle america couldn't take. so they branded him a mind controlling devil.

but the reality is... all they need is permission, or an excuse.

i feel kinda sorry for him really.

i mean he's not like John Wayne Gacey, aka Pogo the Clown. who was a real clown, and used to trick people into putting on handcuffs or something then leave, put on his clown suit, and dance around them before raping and murdering them..

or Jeffry Dharma, another rapist with a preference for young men and boys. he would eat them after raping them... and disolve the rest in acid. he even drugged a young lad up one time, and the lad escaped, got to a copper, and Dharma convinced the copper that he was his little brother that had got drunk. took him home and... yea.

but Manson... i dont think he realized they'd pin it on him.
he was a sick puppy. but a murderer? nah.

have i posted this before... i might have posted this before.. :?
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Re: Really?

Post by Bama »

Brady from New England to Tampa

Winston from Tampa to New Orleans

Bridgewater from New Orleans to Carolina

Newton from Carolina to New England

Is the circle complete now?
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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